October 22,2008
I got up early and begin my day, Got Briauna off to school, went to aerobics, was gone about 2 hours. Enjoyed every minute of it.
We grilled steaks and onions for lunch, with a baked potatoes and corn salad
It was so good.
Picked Briauna from school, every day she ask are we going to wal mart today, and every day I say NO. Today I told her we was going to stop on the way to church we would stop,I had to pick up some things for our luncheon for tomorrow.
I got my sweet potatoes baked and made my crust for my sweet potato pie. Got my mixture mixed up so all I had to do was put it together and bake.
October 23,2008
I got up and begin my day by getting me a cup of coffee first, that is the first thing I do every morning unless I am fasting. I begin my pie baking,turn oven on putting my pie crust in for15 minutes, whipping my egg whites, heating up my pie mixture in microwave for 1 minute, I poured that mixture in pie crust and begiln to bake for 45 minutes. I fixed a big pot of baby lima beans and cornbread. That was my contribution to our lunch.
Went to the church about 10:am, Coy had to go to his ear Dr.so he came later. I decorated table with fall candle and ring.
We had plenty of food, there was 15 showed up, which was a nice group. We ate first and visited.
Then I read them about the cell phone, treating our bible like we treat our cell phones.
Then we played Bingo which was a lot of fun. They all enjoyed that, it was our first time.I feel sure we will be playing that again. We also played dominoes, but I got a call about 1:30 to come pick up Briauna, she was sick. So I left and ask Coy to make sure everything was cleaned up.
After school I also picked up Kiefer and Maranda.So I have a floor full of popcorn eating kids, I love it.
I have had that song "I Must Tell Jesus: on my heart so all day I have been repeating that over and over today.
I Must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus, I cannot bear these burdens alone
In my distress he alone can help me, He ever loves me and cares for his own
I must tell Jesus all of my traials, Jesus is a kind and compasionate friend
I only ask him and he will deliver.
I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus, Jesus can help me Jesus alone.
I cannot bear these burdens alone
October 24,
Briauna stayed home today,She is still sick and you might know there is not a doctor in town to take to. so I will use what I have.
I baked another pie today, this time it is raisin, so good.
Grilling Ham burgers for dinner tonight, getting plants in just in case we decide to go to California, things are so up in the air, dont know what to do.
Pamis having surgery today on her arm, she has blood clots in there and they are going to remove them before they get infected. Dont know what time.
Well I have got to finish cleanling my floors and do my iroiing.