Saturday, November 29, 2008


Thursday, November 13, 2008
We drove to Mount Lassen for a day out, it was a beautiful day and the farther we went to colder it got, I was not prepared for the cold. I should have worn a sweater, what was I thinking, I was not. The trees was beautiful I love the cedar trees in the forest. The layers is so neat, I have one in my yard that I will be decorating with lots of lights for Christmas. I wish I was having Christmas in Lassen Park with all my family, it is so beautiful and peaceful. It would be so joyful, Add Imagesnow to play in and lots of room. That would be impossible because of the expense of getting there and Lassen is closed in the winter because the roads are not passible. SNOW COVERED

It was so nice to visit there again after so many years. When we lived up there we would drive up there on sunday afternoon and let the kids play in the snow. That was 37 years ago, My where did the time go.

Now to my bear story: We was going to drive through the park but the roads was snow covered, so we decided we better not, we might slide off the road, and there was no one around but us and the bears. But we didn't know that at that time so we got out of the car and begin walking around. We was being careful not to slip on the ice and snow. We saw a snowman someone had built. We had our cameras ready to shoot. We was walking alone and Sue said is that a bear track, well there was not only one but many alone the road. I said OH NO I DREAMED ABOUT BEARS LAST NIGHT. Is'nt that something. I begin telling them there was a little bear and I was going to follow it but behing a large tree or rock I believe it was a rock, a hugh one , There came this huge BROWN BEAR and stood up and let out a loud growl. He had his back to me at first but then turned around. I said to myself I am not suppose to run and I woke up.
We believe that was a warning from GOD not to get too far from the car. Sue and I had to go WEE - WEE really bad, if we had seen a bear it would have been too bad for us. So we were going out behind the building not getting too far from the car, but Sue seen a sign on that building that told us where a outhouse was open for use and it was just up the hill, We was constantly looking in all directions and in the trees. You know bears can climb trees. Still not too far from the CAR, Oh what a relief it was. It was fun walking in the snow, even for old people like us.

We got in the car begin driving around and we stopped by the Lake, I think it is called Emerald Lake. The trees was so large so we begin taking pictures and of course Coy and David when they are together are nuts. So full of life and having fun. Coy said listen to them dogs barking, I said that is not dogs it is that crow up there in the tree, of course he argued with me, but soon realized it was that crow. David and Sue even told him that was that crow. I did sound like a dog.

We drove on up the road, seen a beautiful mountain stream. We stoppen in Burney at Ben Franklin store. They truely had everything. Fishing equipmet and lures by the thousands.
We ate at a chinease restaurant, which was not the greatest ( what am I saying it was lousy ) but what can you expect in a small town in the mountains.

We got back into Redding and drove out to Shasta Lake and walked out on the dam, I tried to get Coy to climb down the rock ledge and pick up me some drift wood, but I couldn't bring it back and he would have ended up in trouble anyway taking things from the park. So we didn't.

We saw lots of deer coming in the park, it was late in the evening.

We left and drove in town and went to the SUNDIAL BRIDGE. Will write a story later with pictures.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunset around the earth

November 24,2008

It was a beautiful sight to see, the sky was as beautiful as I have ever seen it. God makes miracles for us to enjoy, if we just stop and stand still and enjoy it.
Our flight out we saw the most amazing sunset out the plane window. Pictures are not very good,we were setting on the wing of the plane, but you can get the idea. There is no way to capture such a sight, only to see it yourself, not describable. It looked like it covered miles around the earth and lasted a long time.

Also there was a beautiful evening at Sue and Davids,just blue sky the most beautiful you have ever seen. It was a sunset also. Also the Harvest Moon was so nice every night as we was in the Hot Tub. So nice. It also would shine in our bedroom every night.

I have a lot to write about but not enough time to do it. I made some soup and cookies today and carried my sick neighbor some. I made Ron and Darlene soup and made corn bread to go with it. Cookies everywhere, I also made an Italian Cream Cake for Nancy to take to work tomorrow. I have been busy today.

I quilted last night until 10:30 I was trying to get Kiefer Elk Quilt ready to go to the quilters tomorrow when I take Sue's quilts. I will try to finish tonight. My sewing maching petal needs adjusting, it runs to fast. One of the machines goes to the shop tomorrow for adjustments. Sure did enjoy using Sue's sewing machine and the quilting party we had with Sue and Darlene. Such an enjoyable time.
MORE LATER I will tell you about my dream and the bear prints.

Leaving LR to California

Tuesday November 4

We arrived at Little Rock at 11:30 was supose to leave at 1:30 but there was a delay arriving in Las Vegas because of construction. It was 2:45 before we left the pilot made up some time but we was late on making connections, but the plane waited on us. There was about 15 going on the same flight to Sacramento. We had to go up and flights of stairs and walk forever, ride a shuttle to reach our other plane. It was OK because I was going to see my family. The flight was beautiful, the mountains was so smooth and snow capped in places it must have been the tahos.
We arrived in Sacramento about 6:30 or so. When we reached the stairs there was Sue and David waiting with anticipation. It was so good to see them. We hugged and ran to get our luggage and off to dinner we go to meet some more family. We met at the ON THE BORDER restaurant. There was Robert and Gina, Jim and Modest oldest son and Mike their second son and his daughter. There was John, Roberts son, Kenny,Chris and their children. I wish I had taken pictures, but was so tired just did not think to do that. It was a wonderful gathering of family. So good to see everyone.

Then we proceded to Redding. It was midnight probably before we went to bed. I do not know I just wanted to get there, It had been a long day, I had been up since 5 am Arkansas time. Which is 2 hours later than California. More Later

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well the day has come, We will be leaving on a jet plane at 1:30. I have been dreading this for a week since we made up our minds we need to go. We are going at a bad time, Leaves are everywhere already. Maybe we will come back to a clean yard HA-HA.
Pam may go back in the hospital but we will know that before we leave. we are going to the doctor this morning. We have Briauna situated if she does.
I just have to put my trust in God to take care of everything. See you soon David and Sue. Nancy is my right hand, she will see that things are taken care of. She is my GOLDEN JEWEL. Don't know what I would do without her.

With our suitcases you would think we was staying forever. A bag with our bibles in it to carry on another bag with a suit of clothes just in case our luggage gets lost. It has happened before. I have sewing stuff in there, you name it I have it. I always carry too much, but I did't know what the weather will be so I am carrying winter and warm weather clothes. So BON-BI-OUGE UNTIL WE RETURN.