Wednesday, February 24, 2010


She is a real warrior and handles things like one. I would be falling apart and here she is going through things no one else in our family has gone through. She is a real trooper and one I have come to love so much and really enjoy being with. We loved our vacations with them for the past 2 years and made memories we will never forget. That is what life is all about is making memories because that is all you have left. We need to make every day, every minute count.
Life is a challenge and there was 8 of us kids and we have all faced things different in our life.
We all handle things different and difficult times has come in all of our lives. We was raised in a christian home. Our dad was a real believer in living right. He was very strict as to how we wore our hair, how we dressed, how we talked and what we said.He made sure we went to church.
God has been good to all of us. But when one hurts we all hurt with them. That is what family is all about.
Sometimes we try to handle things instead of letting God handle them for us. When we do it ourselves it usually does not turn out right. God is our keeper,our guide, our refuge, our rock to lean on. He gave his life for us, and sacrificed everything that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
I pray everyday for the Lord to help me handle things the way he wants me too.

Sue I pray the Lord help you through the challenges you will face today, tomorrow and all the days to come.


Well things are just about to be put in place, and at least eveything will be clean.
Wwe put furniture back in place yesterday and begin putting all my books back and try to get my desk back in order. Can't find anything. The rooms look so much bigger with the wood floors.
Today I have got to get the church bulletin done, we are going to my brother's tomorrow morning and going to gospel singing. We will probably be up there until monday. We have business meeting and can copy them tonight. We will be leaving early in the morning.


Saturday, February 20, 2010


Well things are coming together. We got the dining floor down last night, guess what there is flaws in the wood. Looks like it did not have the final coat of polish. The guys did not notice and the light has to be just right to see it. Coy has run to lowe's at Bryant to see what they will say, and they said it is the way they are making them now, where they are not so slick. They gave us a 15% discount if we would keep it, since we already have one floor down. Well that will be OK that is the closest thing to matching the other we already have down to anything we have found anywhere and believe me , we have looked every where, I hate shopping and I have done too much of it lately. Only certain stores carry that pergo flooring.

Well we have got the painting done and the furniture moved back in the dining room, so tomorrow we will tear the other room carpet out. We will begin taking the staples and tack strips up our of the floor. We have the heaviest furniture in the living room. We have an old wood school desk and our couch is very heavy. It has recliners on each end, I guess that is why it is so heavy. I guess we will have to take the drawers out of the desk to move it.
I guess I better go to bed I am so tired and I slept about 2 hours this afternoon. It has rained all day and still raining tonight.


Monday, February 15, 2010


Some of the seniors wanted to go to Cracker Barrel for lunch sunday so we took the church van, loaded up and left for Bryant. It was packed full, a wait of 45 minutes. When we came out it was snowing, it was beautiful, big flakes and snowed on us all the way home. We went the long way around, Coy missed his turn as usual. We went all the way through Benton.

It snowed until we went to church. When church was over it had quit. The cold north wind was really blowing. We have had flurries all day and cold wind.

The Master cleaners finally came today and packed up things, washed walls and steamed cleaned the couch. The front living room wall needs to be painted, the wall paper in dining room needs to be replaced, but I'm not going to do all that, it would not clean very well. Paint the living room maybe.
I already had the front room mostly done, all pictures, book shelf packed up, everything cleaned, coffee table and end tables put in bedroom. When they moved TV stand out it looked like a rat den, chips, candy paper, tapes and who knows what else. This is the kids room, computer room and sewing room. You don't know whats lurking under things that never get moved. It is too heavy to be moving out and cleaning. Under the couch was perfectly clean and under all other furniture. I have always cleaned under things. Use to move everything and change every week. No longer to much work.
I had a dear friend, before she moved that said, I sweep my trash under my furniture but you are the cleanest house keeper I ever saw. She came and helped me one day. She said don't you ever move anything in my house. It want be clean.

Coy has Dr. appt tomorrow. We are going by and pick up flooring and blinds. It is an odd size so I don't think I will be able to find them, custom maid possibly.

I am ready to get my house back in order. I hate the tumbled look, even though it will be clean.

Lamp shade will have to be replaced, cannot be cleaned. They even cleaned all our air ducts.

Smells good in her today, not the smoky smell.



Maranda spent the night so we baked Kiefer cake friday night. She wanted to decorate it, so Saturday we decorated his cake thinking we woild have it about 1 pm but that all changed. Tony and Rochelle could not come until later after she got through fixing hair. I could not have cake and ice cream and not invite them too. I just cannot do things like that. So I told them to call about 30 minutes before they could come. I was making home made ice cream. Kiefer had been wanting some for several weeks. When he walked in at the door I wish I had my camera ready and on the door, the smile on his face when he heard the ice cream freezer going was worth it all. He was smiling from ear to ear. It was good, we put candles on his cake that keeps lighting. He was surprised when they kept igniting. I ask him if he did not have enough wind to blow them out. He finally realized what it was so he took his finger and pinched the top of them. I also told him I decorated it for valentine's day and I had put two little heart stick ups saying be my valentine on it. The ice cream and cake was so good. He ate 2 big helpings of ice cream.
Tony had called and told Maranda for us to come eat pizza with them about 4, I was undecided but since she was here and they was already at the pizza place, and she wanted to go. we went. It was OK. I am so up tight when I am around them. Trying very hard not to feel that and am a lot better than I was.

Tony text me last night and ask me if he could put our floor down, I wanted to ask if he knew it was me he was calling, but I didn't. I text him this morning and ask how much money we would owe him and he said nothing. He must have had a lick on the head lately. I wanted to ask why would you want to do this to someone you don't even like.
Nancy realized why he is doing this, he has that friend living with him now and wants to make out like he is helping us and paying us back. A big front maybe but I can always hope he is making a change toward us.

Should I ask why or leave it alone and hope for the best. I know God can change things.
They have put me through so much, I will never be the same, my nerves are shot.


Friday, February 12, 2010


Yesterday we went to the church with another couple and got the church cleaned and came home ate lunch, then some dear friends of ours called and we went over and played games. We played golf with cards. played once before, it was fun. We also played dominoes. We always have to play dominoes. We spent about 8 hours over there. She baked brownies and drank hot chocolate and coffee. It was fun, this is a fun couple to be with. They have a fire place also and that made it more enjoyable.

Today we woke up to a winter wonderland, no ice just a white snow covered trees, grass and it is beautiful. I love the way the snow stacks up on the tree limbs, it just keeps piling up.
We enjoyed a bowl of snow ice cream for breakfast. It was so good, I put a bowl out on the grill last night and brought it in this morning and made ice cream. Roy, my brother called last night and told me to be sure and not get any of that yellow snow. We have no animals like dogs running loose in town thank goodness. We have lots of birds, but I knew they would not be fllying at night. So it was clean as it could be coming from ourside. Have I made you envious yet. That is the first time we have done that in a few years. It was a perfect snow.

I have lots of pictures to put on my blog but lately I cannot get them to go on there, but will keep trying.
Well it is afternoon and the snow is all gone. It was beautiful while it lasted.

I got a little work done today, cleaning I mean, the cleaning people was supose to be here this week and they have not. Coy and I got all the pictures off the walls, the desk moved out so they can clean the wall behind it. We also got the end tables and coffee tables cleaned and moved in the other room. Most of the front room is cleaned out. Next we will start on the dining room.
Have got flooring picked out all we have to do is go pick up. Sliding doors ordered, so things are coming together, maybe another month and everything will be done.

Well the sun is shining very bright out there, but tomorrow night here it comes again, maybe a dusting of snow.

Bye for now and GOD BLESS

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Today is beautiful, cold and windy. The sun is so bright and not a cloud in the sky. The temp will not get above freezing today and the wind chill factor is lower than that. God blesses us in so many ways.
If we look hard enough we can see beauty in any thing and any situation. The trees are clean and glistening in the bright sunshine. But when it is windy, we see the results of the wind, but not the wind. To me that is amazing. The trees are beautiful in the wind especially when they are clean.
God has given us so much beauty to enjoy, but sometimes we are so bogged down in our self and feelings we fail to enjoy it. I am going to change that because there is beauty everywhere and beauty in everyone if we look hard enough, sometimes we have to look really, really hard. It may be just the way they smile or look at you. Maybe it is something they may do for someone else. Just look for it, it is there somewhere.

Monday, February 8, 2010


When we arose out of bed this morning we found another dreary day and they say it is going to be like this all week. It was cloudy yesterday most of the day. A little sunshine in the afternoon but windy and cold.
I was hoping they would come in and get everything packed up so we could get our floors down.
We are going to go with Pergo laminate flooring. The living room is hardwood, so we may have it refinished, depending how it looks when we pull the carpet up. I guess I will get some of my stuff packed especially in the bookshelf. I don't want them going through my personal papers and books.
This is a mess, I hate it, am not in the mood to have my house in such a dis-array. Nothing in its place and if it is , so piled up with other stuff from other rooms. So there you go.
We need to sow our red clover in the front on the hill side, but if we do it will just get washed in the ditch and someone else will reap the benefits of it. It is so pretty along the road sides here in arkansas.
We also need to plow our garden and do some things outside, but the weather just will not co-operate. We are not the only ones it it all over the world.
End time is on it's way. But we still have to plan for the future even though our future may be short. Just live from day to day as if it is your last. Be ready to meet the Lord when he calls.


Saturday, February 6, 2010


This life is just memories, you have to make memories because some day that is all you have of your love ones, friends, relatives and just passer bys you meet on the street , or in the park, at a store, your neighbors, checkers at the store or anyone you might meet in this life.
Life is but a flash, here I am almost 70 where did the years go.
I want to spend more time with my family, my brothers and sisters. They mean so much to me and just to hear their voice is so dear to me.
We have all grown older now and our kids grown and got their own lives and families so we are forgoten somewhat. So we rely on our brothers and sisters as they are somewhat alone also.
We have more time to do nothing or accomplish something. I always said when I retire I wanted to get back to quilting, and my sister Sue got all of us started back at that, they are so warm and beautiful even though they are not perfectly sewed and every stitch is not perfectly shaped. Just to think that is somethig you have accomplished.
Spread it out on your bed and be thankful you can still sew, get out of bed, walk around, cook, and do a little house cleaning. That is not so important anymore because you want to do something to leave behind for your family to remember because that is all they will have when you are gone. Some will appreciate it and some will not. Some will go back in time some will not.
Harlod and Mae drops in every once in a while, I love it and enjoy their visit so much.

So brothers and sisters stick around as long as I do or even longer because we have a lot of catching up to do.