Monday, February 15, 2010


Some of the seniors wanted to go to Cracker Barrel for lunch sunday so we took the church van, loaded up and left for Bryant. It was packed full, a wait of 45 minutes. When we came out it was snowing, it was beautiful, big flakes and snowed on us all the way home. We went the long way around, Coy missed his turn as usual. We went all the way through Benton.

It snowed until we went to church. When church was over it had quit. The cold north wind was really blowing. We have had flurries all day and cold wind.

The Master cleaners finally came today and packed up things, washed walls and steamed cleaned the couch. The front living room wall needs to be painted, the wall paper in dining room needs to be replaced, but I'm not going to do all that, it would not clean very well. Paint the living room maybe.
I already had the front room mostly done, all pictures, book shelf packed up, everything cleaned, coffee table and end tables put in bedroom. When they moved TV stand out it looked like a rat den, chips, candy paper, tapes and who knows what else. This is the kids room, computer room and sewing room. You don't know whats lurking under things that never get moved. It is too heavy to be moving out and cleaning. Under the couch was perfectly clean and under all other furniture. I have always cleaned under things. Use to move everything and change every week. No longer to much work.
I had a dear friend, before she moved that said, I sweep my trash under my furniture but you are the cleanest house keeper I ever saw. She came and helped me one day. She said don't you ever move anything in my house. It want be clean.

Coy has Dr. appt tomorrow. We are going by and pick up flooring and blinds. It is an odd size so I don't think I will be able to find them, custom maid possibly.

I am ready to get my house back in order. I hate the tumbled look, even though it will be clean.

Lamp shade will have to be replaced, cannot be cleaned. They even cleaned all our air ducts.

Smells good in her today, not the smoky smell.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should see under my fridge. (Shudder) It's not nearly as bad as under the washer/dryer though. Seriously scary. I need to pull them out and scrub, but I try to wait until spring.

Hey, those missed turns give you extra time together and think of all of that you saw and wouldn't have other wise seen. (AND you can tease him about it too!)