Monday, March 16, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I have got a large cake to do this weekend. It will be a three tier and each tear done a different way. The bottom will be musical notes, the middle will be black and white checked representing his tire store and the top will be camoflage. For the tires Coy and I got some of Kiefer old cars and took the wheels off, scrubed them , soaked in very hot water, cut in half and stacked them on top of the cake. It is for Stephen at B&B tire, he is the big 40, Staci has a big party planned for him but he does not know it is going to be so big. She has tried to notify everyone that knows him to come. If just his family shows up it will be a lot of people. They are also going to have a slide show.
Tony showed up some pictures of the set up and they went to Sam's and spent over $600 on food. Big Earl Stratton will be doing most of the meat. He is Sheridan top griller. He fixed roasted ears of corn for Timberfest, they are always a big hit.
Well it is the 14th and I have finished all the cakes and Tony picked them up. They turned out really well. Pictures later. I have Kiefer and Maranda also. They had to have someplace to stay this weekend so my house was it (That was OK with me) . It was not too bad doing the cakes and listening to them too. Maranda helped me with them and done a very good job. Good experience, maybe another cake decorator in the family. I am just about through with that, it is so stressful to do a big cake for someone else. I did not sleep well last night. Loss of sleep for nothing as usual. They nearly always turn out good. I have had only one cake to crack, that is pretty good considering all the cakes I have done over the years. It was a stacked cake like I was going to do this one. I got to thinking about that and decided to call Staci in the morning and make a suggestion that she make shelfs for each cake by putting plastic boxed at different levels, covering each of them with a black or black and white checked material and placing the cakes on them. Staci was at Wal-Mart when I called and that was a wonderful idea. Isn' that just like the Lord to work out things.
I got a call from someone and they said my cake was falling. I got so upset and thought the cake was actually falling, so I jumped in the car and rushed out to the country club, got stopped by a police for speeding, got a ticket, got out there and found one of the cakes had a small crack in it. I had brought my repair kit, icing, knife, and anything I thought I might need. I repaired the crack and put it to the back and it was fine. That has been my worst fear I would mess up someone special day. Thank the Lord that has not happen. I pray over every cake.
Needless to say I lost money on that cake. I never charge enough, nothing like the bakery's charge.
Looking at the 10 day forecast it is going to be in the 70 this week,so camping we go. We will pull our camper out after church and start packing. We got out packet to manage parks today.
Have got to go and try to get some sleep.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My grandson Bruce was 26 years old, My sister Sue was 62 years old and my nephews Raymond and Damon (twins of my sister Rosette) was 35 years old. I am not very good at remembering birthdays, I may think of them but doing anything I am not good at that. I am trying to do better this year as Nancy made me a calendar of everyone's birthday. There is still more to come thlis month.
Frances Alford ( my oldest brother Edward's girl )will be around 47 or 48 the 14th , I will find out. Rochell Joann( my brother Leonard's daughter) will be the 17 (no age on my calendar ) along with my grandson Austin ( my oldest son James's son) he will be 15'. Larry (Nancy's husband ) will be 55 on the 27th.
So you see there is lot to celebrate in March. I don't know If I have got all of them or not. Maybe when we have our family reunion we can get dates and ages of all.
I have got to go and may you have a BLESSED DAY.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Birthday wishes are in order for Bruce today, He is 26. I remember the day he was born, we was hoping he would be born on Rocky and Coy's birthday but he just couldn't wait. That is Nancy's youngest that makes her getting old also. So that makes me OLD also. I hope he had a wonderful day. I sent him a birthday wish with smileys. 4th of July and told him I knew it was not the 4th of July but a little fire works was in order.
I was afraid he would think I had lost my mind with thinking it was the 4th of July.
Sometimes I do Loose it but not that day. Things gets pretty hectic around here with everything breaking. Our Microwave door just decided to break, the door handle broke completely off, we taped it but it did not work. We glued it, it did not hold. So guess what I called about a replacement door, it cost $160 so I said forget that, so I ask about just the outside panel, it cost $70 . Well we went and bought a new one this week and they did not have one in stock, so it is on back order, is'nt that just my luck. It is still useable just hard to get open and breakes more when we grab it.
Have got to go write more later.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
We decided to go to My wonderful BROTHER's and SISTER (in law) I feel as though she is my sister. We had a wonderful time,as we always do. It is so quiet and relaxing. They always have out hotel room waiting for us.
We got up there friday afternoon, got ready and went to a gospel singing at 6: pm It was so good. You was in a Baptist church, but you did not know it, you felt like shouting, the most wonderful feeling you could ever have. There was a group there called Heaven's Echoes and the leader had lost their daughter 5 years ago. Her name was Judy, a very outgoing person. Her and her husband had wrote some songs about her and they sang them. She has been helping Roy with his grief. It takes someone who has been through it to help someone else. Their songs have helped them through the tough times. I talked with her a few minutes. It was such a glorious evening. We was so wired when we got home it was 2 AM before we went ot bed. You feel free and free from all cares of this life which can be consuming sometimes. It was so good to get away.
Saturday morning Coy and I got up early and got our coffee and went our on their back porch and watched the Ducks on the ponds,There was a big frost and it was snowing, big flakes and then a million little flakes begin to fall. It was beautiful. It did not last, it was overcast all day, rained a little, cold and windy all day. I made the remark that I hope it did not frost at home. My tulip tree was blooming when we left and my bradford pears also.
Saturday was Faye's birthday so we went out ot eat at a fish place in Conway. It was good eating. Ate too much as always, when it is buffet. Then we went back to the gospel singing, it begin at 5 PM it had already started when we got there. We only missed one group singing. I could have set there all night and listen to them. The MC was great and not Baptist at all. You felt like you were in a pentecostal meeting. They are having another singing in Magnolia in November we plan on going.
The Gaithers are in Little Rock this month and plan on going, got to get tickets today. Them boys of Rosie can get with it and down on it as Roy says. They can really sing.
After we got home Roy got his guitar out and sang. I love to hear him, He sang Hank Williams song I saw the light, and House of Gold (what good is gold and silver too if your heart's not good and true), and he also sung Build my Mansion next door to Jesus. I have always loved Hank Williams songs. I want to get our old record player out of the shed it is about 40 years old and all my old records and set them up in my living room. That would be so nice to be able to play them. I have The Browns, Rambos. Hank Williams, Johnny Cash and others, I don't remember. They are packed in a styrofoam box for protection.
This was the first song Tony learned, he use to stand and sing Build my mansion. He was only about 2 years old. I was surprised at the words he could remember and sing of that song. It made me feel good , but of course that is all he knew back them was church songs. When the grow up that changes. His whole family is in church now.
Well we got home Monday late and my tulip tree got the frost and the blooms are all brown. The pears look good, I don't think they are hurt. Spring is here, forcynthia are in b loom along with the others, trees are budding all around. I am ready for it, now we just need some warm days. It was 60 yesterday but was still cold all day.