Friday, December 19, 2008


It has been a beautiful day, 66 degrees, after a week of freezing rain, rain, cold, windy and all kinds of weather. It is suppose to be in the 60's tomorrow. Maybe we can finish raking our leaves.
I ask Coy to clean around the back door and what did he do go blow a few leaves from the walkway that is all. So I got out there and blew all the leaves away from the yard and driveway, The computer is more important, He is so addicted to playing games that nothing is important.
He loves to play games and drink coffee.
When I start something he will finish it. He is so good about that, he just dont see anything to do.
So I give up if he hasnt learned in 50 years what needs to be done, I might as well give up.

I made a trip to Pine Blluff today, was suppose to have a Dr. appointment, for a stress test. but to my surprise it is the 29th. The Dr. office that set it up told me the wrong date. So I thought I would shop but the electricity was off at the mall and the whole east side of town. I do not know what was wrong so it was a wasted day. Didn't accomplish a thing in Pine Bluff. Had a few things I needed to pick up.

I got Maranda pillow finished it turned out good. Went and bought some poly fil and it was not bleached, just a gray dirty look. So that has been my day.

Tomorrow , going to bed I am tired tonight, can't think straight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a Day you have had. Mine has been pretty uneventful. I am going to make cookies and candy tomorrow. David will be here to help. Hey at least you finished the pillow. I though poly fill was in clear bags. It is here. Now I do buy a fill that is Antique white, it s Heirloom quilting liner. I love it, but it is for quilts and does not show through the fabric.