Wednesday, May 6, 2009


It has been so rainy here , Our porch has flooded twice lately, We worked on it and got all the water vacumed up and dried out then last night we had so much rain, one rain system and 30 minutes another one would come thru. Hail, Rain in sheets,thunder, lightening the whold works. We probably got 10 inches of rain in a few hours. Our porch flooded again. We was up at 3am trying to stop the water from coming in. Our electricity went off.I had towels everywhere, just to try to keep the water from coming in. It was awful.
Well we got the carpet up today and dried out the flooor. I don't think we will put it back down until this rainy season is over. Coy got out and dug some ditches but I don't know if that would have even helped that night. We got 10 inches of rain in a few hours.
School closed, flooded and the buses could not do their routes, because of high water. We had Kiefer and Maranda so that was a pizza day, with no way to cook. I cooked breakfast in the camper.
I have got so much to do before I have company. I am not the house keeper my sister is and I am trying to make sure things are ready for them, but they are not coming to see my house, just be with family and enjoy good times, time is so short for all of us.
I need to get my summer furniture out but the rain and humidity just keeps coming. Wanted to get more painting done but too wet, can't paint when it is this kind of weather , but that is Arkansas.
We are praying for cool 70's and breezy for the reunion. It will be so good. Lots of work but worth it.
I have so many problems with my knees. The muscle behind my right one was swelled so bad I could not bend it today. I sticks out about 2 inches and I have suffered so much with it today.
Time for pain pill and bed time.
Church cleaning time tomorrow.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And that is why we all need time together. Make more wonderful memories. Do Not overwork yourself for our visit. That is totally unnecessary. We just want to see everyone and have a great time. I know this reunion is going to hurt your legs, there is so much to do. There is always so much to do.
We are going to be fine, Just this age thing but I do not want the alternative.