Thursday, March 18, 2010


Coy got up getting ready to go to Dr. again today I told him to get his work clothes on today and work in the garden, hunt your seed up, plan what you are going to plant. You are not watching TV all day today. So we worked out in the yard today, I cannot do much because of my knees, they hurt so bad when I walk a lot. I want to buy a golf cart, easy on, easy off. If I would learn to wear tenny shoes with a cushion in them, it would be better. I hate wearing shoes. I am an arky when it comes to wearing shoes. I have very ugly feet the worst I have ever seen. Toes crooked, I need to have them fixed, but things keep coming up so I haven't yet. They are getting worse every day. Shoes do not fit right so I don't wear any. I cannot stand for my feet to hurt.
It is beautiful here and warm, if the wind was not blowing so hard. So windy.
Well I will say good night and talk tomorrow.

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