Tony had surgery on his hiney today. He had a boil come up between his cheeks. Rochell had to work so Coy and I took him and he had surgery today. Rochell had to work it is prom weekend and she makes lots of money , probably her biggest money making of the year. She will be working all day today. Her daughter will be going to prom, they put out lots of money on her, her dress cost about 800 to 1000. I don't know where they get it , but they do. Was expecting to be there and home by noon, it was 4:30 or 5 before we got home. He had taken his antiobiotic with 2 swallows of tea and the put him second on the list. So it was afternoon before they started. One anethesiologist got upset because of the post ponement. The Dr. was also upset,. He wanted to get that done, Tony was in so much pain. He has a hole the size of a golfball that has to be packed twice a day. I don't know how he will work and may not. That is two of their hands our of commission for a while. Steven is supose to leave and go turkey hunting for a week monday. Well maybe not.
Long day, We was there by nine this morning. Tony told someone they needed to put me on the nascar driver list. Took picture of him in his cute little surgical cap, that was funny.
Check engine light kept coming on , I just kept praying the van would be OK until we got there. it was. I didn't say a word. I told Coy to check oil and water, well it was out of water and I said you need to put some in, he said it has enough for now. He put some oil in, It didn't have water. It got really hot going home, I just kept driving, turned air off and it cooled down. Our van needs a lot of tender loving care and it is not getting it. Coy can do nothing anymore and gets upset if he has too. We got to Tonys and I told him to put some water in. He did, it was dry. "THANK YOU LORD FOR GETTING US HOME." Tony was needing to just rest. He has not had any kind of surgery since he was about 14, cut his hand on a lawn mower blade and spent 3 days in hospital then. So he did not realize how zonked he would feel. Got there and all those kids and he put them to work picking up in the house. That Kiefer and Maranda, she got the clothes put up the nurse was coming by later.
We went and got lunch, blackeyed peas and cornbread, good good.
Afternoon we got popcorn and drank some water.
Oh my goodness, does it ever slow down for you two? There is no way I could do all that running. NO WAY!!
Just to get me to the store is a chore.
Was it MRSA Tony had on his hiney?
David had a pilenoid cyst when we first married, he had it lanced several times and I had to keep it packed. He was in misery.
I bet Shelle does make a lot of money this weekend. Love those Proms, I never went to a Prom.
Sheri made up for me though, she went to every dance they had.
And did a lot of decorating for them.
Take care of those men but take care of you too. I know how Coy feels, ( to a degree) I am sure he is much more tired than I am. But it is a DRAG,Especially for somone like us who is a mover and shaker.
Breaks the spirit down. I am working on that.
Love you
I don't know how either, I barely do these days, so tired, just draging, but when they call, you have to go especially like that. I had to help, even though snotty don't even talk to me. don't even say HI when she walks in my house
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