Sunday, March 20, 2011


It is beautiful outside today and supose to last all week, a chance of showers 2 days, but mostly sunny, love it need it. Got my back porch cleaned off almost yesterday, like a little wood, afraid we will have another cold snap, want to be ready. I also planter 90 glad bulbs. have a few more to go. mowed some leaves and mulched some also. We will not be going so much this summer so I will spend more time in my yard.

Going to till up a row in garden and plant some wild flowers, have a mixture of arkansas wild flowers. Wonder how many will come up. I hope all of them. I love cosmos so I will pick a few packages up to mix with them. I planted my glads where I can put a picket fence around and help hold them up. They are a beautiful flower.
I really like flowers, but the seed you buy don't come up very well anymore. Marigolds I like to plant in the garden, the smell keep a lot of harmful bugs away. They really do stink but a beautiful flower. Planted red clover all along the ditch our front, hope it comes up, hadn't seen any yet. That will be so pretty. Cleaned out some of the cane break and planted some vines I got from Roy's all of them lived so it will be pretty some day. It has varigated green leaves and blue flowers on it. Trying to plant things that will grow every year so they will be there.
This old age don't permit you to do a lot of extra.

Coy keeps saying when his arm gets well he is going to do this and do that, well I know how his doing is. Very little as possible. A lot of things I have done is things I told him he needed to get done before he had that done. Well that is a man for you.
Well enough of that
God Bless all of you

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