Thursday, November 3, 2011


It is the devil's business to keep putting stumbling blocks in our path, God's willing this is not going to work. Life is hard lately, don't know what to do , what is going to happen. God is love not wrath, GO AWAY devil in your own little den.
Rosie got sick, don't know what is going on, does not know anyone and is very depressed. She was going to keep Damon's kids that afternoon so she had gone to Family Dollar just a few blocks from her house to get some cokes and other items for the children. She drove to the store, did not even get out, passed out and was not noticed for 3 hours. Finally a lady noticed her and got her to come too long enough for her to call Kevin, the lady had already called 911. They all got there about the same time. Took her to the Heart Hospital. She definitely did not want to even know she was there, that is where Rodney was in the hospital a few weeks before. She does not even remember Rodney died at times. She told Nancy to go check on mother which has been gone for 12 years. She told her she was in the nursing home and needed to be checked up on while she was in the hospital. It was so sad to see her in that shape. I was fixing to leave on our trip and did not want to leave. She had a beautiful trip with the boys and now she was so depressed. She told the boys Rodney should be there any minute now, she knew when she was in the hosptial he would always be there for her. He was not coming this time. The Boys was so disturbed about this all of there was there nearly around the clock, could not go to work because they did not know what was going on. They run every test on her brain and heart, nothing showed up except what was already there from her lupus. One of her best friends came in her room and she ask her "who are you" . One time she was talking to one of the boys and she mumbled something, Damon I think and he ask her what she said, she said "I was talking to your dad ". Of course he was not there.
She will get better, God is Love and I am counting on Him to see her thru.
God Bless all.

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