Friday, December 16, 2011


Have been baking all day and fixing their baskets, I think I am happier when I am doing for someone else than any other time.
Home made Granola mix, Pear Butter, Amish cookies, Almond Rocha, Almond bark cookies, Oyster snack crackers and orange brownies. Will try to post a picture of my baskets.
It is a warm and glorious feeling to know you have done something to bring a little joy to someone. I do not know if Coy will be Santa or not, maybe. Love doing this. Maranda and Briauna will be helping us out. We will all have on Santa hats.
Dress up day for us. Won't that be good.
It was a wonderful day
We all dressed up, Maranda was santa claus, she made a wonderful Santa, walked right up to the door and said Merry Christmas and handed them their goodies. Briauna would not she said she could not stand to look at the old people. I thought she was going to cry when whe saw one who could barely walk to the door, she stepped back and Maranda went in side and heanded it to her. It was so good and a good feeling. I told Briauna an old person was the best friend she could ever have. The love little children and will cherish anything she can do for them.
There was two that was not home. We will deliver later.
God Bless all

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