Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I went yesterday and had all my heart test, 4 hours of it. Have not heard the results yet but I expect to hear today. He done the echo, neuclear stress test,which was better than the last time. I did it sitting up and that was better on my head. I felt so weak afterward, I don't remember feeling like that before. I still feel funny today. I guess it will go a way.

I went and had lunch with Kiefer today, they have a very good salad bar but their fish sandwich was horrible and I told them. No wonder the kids does not want to eat in there. Not like the meals we use to fix. We did home cooking. I was surprised at the kids that was eating the salad. They had everything you could want on a salad. He was in trouble for talking and almost did't get to eat with me. Him and his mouth gets him in lots of trouble.

I did not go to aeobics today it is so windy and cold, did not want to get sick.
Have got to take Pam to the Dr. at 1 pm. She has to get refills on her meds.
I hate to get out on days like today but it is always something I have to do. Coy is cutting some wood today across the street, they are clearing that lot to build apartments houses, and you have to cut now or not at all. I told him it was too cold but he is dressed warm, which it does not take much for him.

I am glad David was there and able to save that man, It makes you feel so good when you can help someone. God blessed him with that opportunity.

I do not know what is going to happen in our church but I do not want to go, I get nothing out of the service. Our preacher is so holy than thou. He preached on us being WINPS Sunday and on the church sign for everyone to read, not uplifting God at all he posted (what you dish out you get back) He wants to be totally in control and has just about cut the choir out. I don't know what we are going to do. We only run about 40, from 150. Pray we have been going there for 30 years and have never seen the church like this. I know we are living in the last days and there will be a great falling away. I just want to stay in the Lord's will and be what he wants me to be.

I am working on quilts today, I have got 4 ready to go to my quilt lady. I will take them tomorrow.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will call later to find out the results, No you should not be dizzy, donnt think. Who knows each can react differently.
Good luck.