Sunday, January 10, 2010


I have been so sick this week, I have bronchitis and an asthma attack. I have coughed until my ribs feel like they are broke. Saturday I had Coy to go get a codine cough syrup, you can buy over the counter if you sign for it. It has helped tremendously. Quieted the cough somewhat.

Saturday all I did was lay around and sleep.I tried to drink a lot .

Curch service all week-end was on the scripture I John 4:4, not knowing what I had prayed all week. It was a comformation that that visit was meant to be. We had a visiting preacher and he spoke on that scripture also. He also said he felt someone was there that had been depressed. So I went up for prayer, as did about 10 others. He came and spoke in my ear, God told him to tell me the answer is on the way. MY ANSWER IS ON THE WAY. It is already in the making.

Went and had my CT scan today. Had to drink 32 oz. of liquid, was not too bad. wait 45 minutes and then had the scan. Results tomorrow maybe. I also had an IV of dye, it made me feel hot in some places. It really gave me the hot seat for sure. I could not eat or drink after midnight, but I did not eat anything after noon yesterday. So I was really hungry, as always. well not really any more. some days I don't eat just drink.

Well today was Nancy's birthday, yea she turned 50 can you believe that. Where did the years go.. We went and seen her office, they really went all out to decorate it in black, cake and all decorations. It was so neat, she works in a great place. Everyone cares about everyone else and looks out for them. There is not many places like that in this world anymore.

Got results of CT scan today. I found out I had pneumonia. Dr. Hardin told me to see my doctor, called for appointment and found out she is out for several weeks. Could not get to see anyone here in sheridan. Do not want to go to ER and set all day. Well I am so much better so maybe I don't need to see a doctor. They said my CT scan showed I had it in the lower right lobe. All other is OK. No cancer anywhere in lower abdomen. Thank the Lord.

Friday morning I finally got an appt. here so I guess I will go today. Still got a bad cough. Yes I do have some pneumonia in my lungs, gave a perscription of augmentin. That should take care of it. Hope I will be well someday.

God Bless All



Anonymous said...

Awww I didn't know you were sick. I am so sorry. Pneumonia is awful. I'l be praying for you! Depression can do awful things to a body!

Love you too! Take care!

Anonymous said...

And you were considering NOT going to the doctor. Don't lecture me any more. I know when you feel a little better it is easy to let pain just become a daily life thing. Get well, Love you