Thursday, December 31, 2009
Well I did not get to go to the church, Maranda got sick just before we left. we was already ready to go, she started running a fever . Coy said it was good.
New Years day was a lazy day,I watched some of the Rose Bowl parade in Pasadena. It was 72 degrees there. We also watched some of our old movies when the kids was small and some Maranda has never seen. It was so good and sad also. It brought back so many sad memories. But God was so good to us all those years and our finances was good, I don't know how we saved as much money as we did, the kids got a small check but it didn't even pay their sitter or day care. We even made a trip to Ohio once a month. Besides all the trips we went to court to try to turn things around. God is so good to us and we fall so short sometimes and fail to trust him. He always comes through and takes care of situations. Sometimes I struggle to have the faith I need. I plan on working on that this year with the help of my Jesus. He sees and knows my need. He knows before we even ask.
Well tomorrow is the day we have our get together. I am looking forward to it. Food and fellowship with friends and family is what holidays are for . I only wish Sue and David could be here with us. I also called Carolyn don't know about her.
Got to go and God Bless all of you.
Post after tomorrow
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas at my house, it was full of laughter, them boys of Nancy's are fun. Bruce was not there home sick and i missed him. Rocky is so full of laughter, but he has got a grip of really being a dad. he is a very good dad, so is buck. they take parenting very seriously. yes-mam, no-mam, yes-sir no-sir, thank you, please and all those polite things, children have got away from. parents are too busy.
We had so much enjoyment watching the kids open all those quilts and spread them out. We started with the youngest first, then went up in age. They are all different.I got all the girls flannel sheets and pajamas. the boys I gave money for their extra. we totally forgot Nancy's milk cans, they are old and needs a lot of work on them. I don't know why we forgot them. everyone had left when we thought of them. She always stays and helps clean up. not so much mess with all the kids being bigger. no spills, easy clean up. they all have their electronics to play with. Deanna mom, sister. and nephew was here also.
I made a big pot of chicken and dumplins and home made rolls. everyone always enjoys them. we original was going to have finger foods, but different ones wanted dumplins so I made some. they wanted cinnamon rolls also but i didn't make them. next time maybe.
I made some of Vi Yarbrough almond rocha candy and gave cans of it away for presents, sent some to work with Nancy also. I also made a recipe with saltine crackers and almond bark, that Nancy gave me, it is so good and so different.
I have been trying to get all brothers and sisters to come Sat for a get together, Edward is the only one so far that cannot come until evening. He is working at a boat factory, and is working different hours. Well good night for now
Maranda called and begged us to come over for Christmas, was not going to go but could not turn her down. it was awkward but OK things are not quite right with us mostly Rochell. I cannot understand their way of thinking. we ate breakfast, cleaned up and came home. do not fit in at their house. I'm sorry to say, I thought things would be so different when tony came home. They come over and tell me we can only see the kids but once a month and the day school is out Rochell calls and wants to know if we are picking them up after school and Maranda is over here until Christmas. Then after she is over here again. I love it and am so glad.
They always have a house full of their friends. Rochell mom and dad was there. he helped cook breakfast and then he eat and left. her mom went to Monticello to see her mother. Coy and I got in there and cleaned up the kitchen, except for a few things. The rest sat and visited but I don't feel right going to someone house and not helping clean up.
Do not have any caps, this is my old key board, that got a spill , bought new one and it got spilled in. Coy had spilled coke and did not tell me and I used key board so that let all the liquid down in the keys. I had purchased a spill proof one, duh didn't help. I thought the girls had done it but he finally admitted he had done it.
Well I got me another key board, it is cordless, thought I would try this one. I got a mouse also, I use one at church so I am use to using one. Much handier with no cords everywhere. Have got to go. I went back through and tried to cap all words that needed caps.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The kids got so many gifts. Nancy had got them all toe socks, so cute. Kelsey got little pony's and was so excited with everyone she opened. I think she got all of them. There was so many gifts could not keep up with them all. It was a joyous time, just watching the kids with their excitement. Cember, Gabby and Kelsey and Deanna nephew was there.
Bruce always gets a joke pulled on him by his brother Rocky. Every year it happens, so Bruce said he was going to be careful what he said to his brother. I told him the kids use to do Coy and I that way, just to see my face turn red. I was never in for jokes. Also Coy generally pulled one on Tony or James. So they came from a family of pranksters. It was so funny. We all had a good laugh.
It was a wonderful evening, good food and good times. We do not have enough of them these days. Everyone lives to fast and don't stop and smell the roses. Someday the roses will be dried up and fell off the vine. I'm afraid that will not be very long. It is too late to change things when that happens. Not enough Joy in life.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I got up and decided I would go to the school and have lunch with the kids. I was going to have lunch with Kiefer on thursday. Coy and I had Dr. appt. on wed. so I couldn't go then so I told Maranda to tell kiefer to call me and tell me what to bring. I can't go to both the same day because of the times. I tried to get him on his cell phone but couldn't, found out their cell phones had been taken. They had been grounded for 2 weeks, did not even think about that and was not allowed to go eat with them. But tuesday night here comes Tony, Rochell, Kiefer and Maranda. Well when Tony came in he said something and the first thing I thought about was What have I done now they did not approve of, did't even think about lunch that day. Well from then on it was not good for me. I fell into a state of depression and could not even go to bed, stayed up all night. Next morning I completely lost it. They have talked about me to so many people, I don't feel like I have anyont to talk to but Nancy and did not want to call her at work. My close friend came over but I did not want her to come in but she did any way. Stayed with me until almost noon. Coy had A Dr. Appt. I skipped mine. I told him to go.
I went for days in a depressed state, not eating or sleeping. A nervous wreck. You would think I would get use to them doing this to me, it has happened about 5 times since Tony came home.
But I guess you never get use to your kids abusing you. It is not right or fair after all we have done for that child.
I am still in a state of unhappiness trying to pull out before christmas. Called Dr. got some help.
I am not fond of taking pills, but sometimes it helps. Had to do that after we lost Vanessa and Mother. Had a slight nervous breakdown in 2007 because of them. stayed in bed for 3 weeks.
They did it to me in May of this year also Just not as bad. God forgive them for they know not what they are doing to me. There is lots more I could tell but not now it upsets me too bad and makes me want to crawl in a dark corner and never come out. We already had plans to go out there for Christmas morning, They always have a big breakfast and open gifts. I was supose to make chocolate syrup or gravy, what ever you want to call it. Was really looking forward to it. Now I don't know if I can be a part of it. I would feel so uncomfortable, out of place.
I have other health issues in my body but that is not important, I just want peace and happiness in my last few days or years whichever it may be.
Sherri I understand depression
It was a wonderful day, a day I had looked forward for a long time. Everything in our family seem to be getting in the right direction. Everyone was happy . James and Amie did not show up but they had already said they was going to Humphreys where Amy folks lived. We all thought they would come by for a minute, well James did not get off until late, had to drive to sheridan from Texarkana. He is not well and was very tired, overslept so that is why, then he had to be back in texarkana early for black friday sales.
We had so much food and Tony deep fried the turkey, it was perfect.So much food.Different ones stayed all evening and we just visited. It was so good. Most of them had ate before they got here.
So many places to go for these young married couples. So for Christmas we decided we would have ours at a different time, so we could all eat together. So we will be having ours on Sunday after Christmas.
Really looking forward to it with all the quilts I have made this year. I'm sure they will like them. I enjoyed making every one of them. Put a lot of love into them.
Monday, November 16, 2009
We had a wonderful week-end with Roy and Faye, about 15 hours of gospel music. We wen to Magnolia to a gospel convention. There was about 11 or 12 groups there. We rented the motel, Roy and Faye brought food. We fixed sandwiches and snacks, Did not eat out once. It was wonderful. Our room had a living area, with a couch, desk and and coffee table. We just had us a pic-nic lunch. Had plenty of room.
We had a full breakfast furnished by the motel. So we ate enough to last us to over in the evening. And we ate late, by the time we got up got showers, and got dressed.
It was a glorious week-end. The power of God was so strong. I always make the songs I hear personal to me. I make it my praise to God, or a way I need to live to me.
Roy had made some coated pecans. they was so good. I did not eat very many nuts since I had a bout with diverticulitis. That is bad stuff.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
He was thru in about 45 minutes and Dr. Gardner said he did fine but he would be keeping him overnight anyway, just as a precaution.
I felt better about that. I did not stay all night with him, he was doing fine and I knew he would just sleep. I had to be home. I went back early the next morning. The Dr. came in at about 7 am but about 10 am befor we got to check out.
I was a very nice day. At least it was not raining. Cool but nice.
We did not get his pain medication filled because he never has any pain when he has surgery. I call him a dead end Kid. It is weird why he never hurts.
The next day you should have see him his ear stuck straight our, I took pictures but cannot load them off my camera, will try again today, It is so funny his ear stuck straight out. I keep telling him he better tape it down, It will permantly stick out.
Can't help but laugh, it is funny.
He has done fine since then but he will be seeing a cardiologist just as soon as the get everything set up.
The next day, he looked like dumbo the elephant, his ear sticking strait out. It was a sight to see. I have a picture so you can laugh with me. I He has not had any dizzy spells or acted as if his balance was off.
He sure has slept a lot, that is good.
I had him cleaning windows yesterday. He needs to move around a little. Of course I had to re-do he does things so fast, like just get them done, even it is not done properly. But at least he helps. I think or is it double work.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I have been trying to get my plants ready to bring in, but it rains, rains,rains. It is supose to be nice today, but we will be having lunch with a couple that use to go to our church, and our investor rep is supose to come over about 2:30. We was supose to see him last week, went to Hot Springs to see him, he was busy, so that was a wasted trip as far as that was, but they gave us a Outback steak house gift card. So we will see about today. Maybe I will tell him not to come today. So much to do.
We did manage to get the yards done, fall flowers taken to the cemetary,and put out in my yard. Picked up some pumpkins to set out in yard. Went to Shell Ross at Pine Bluff, they had pumpkins for 1 dollar each. That was a bargain, not perfectly shaped but who cares, they are just going to be set in the yard.
Maranda spent the weekend, we baked Cinnamon rolls. some for Tony's church fall festival and some for out chili supper. They was so good. I guess Coy and I will have one for breakfast this morning. Have coffee and cinnamon roll that will be good.
I have been going to arobics this week. That keeps the swelling out of my feet and legs. It felt so good to be back in the water. I really enjoyed Sue pool and Hot tub.
Went to my heart Dr. for a follow up on test I had before going to California. He said keep up with what you are doing, everything is good. blood pressure up a little, he said that was probably because of coming up there. Coy went to his skin Dr. He cut another skin cancer off and froze several more. They are not healing up very well.
Went to Hot Springs and ate lunch at Ryan's with Hope's Faithful, the Senior citizen group at the church. We set there and visited for a long time after we finished. I missed that this summer, we was gone so much. We have a wonderful little group.

Friday, October 23, 2009
We went and had dinner with Kenny and family, Robert and Gina and Sue and David of course. We ate at On The Border. They give you large quanities of food. It was so good to be with family. I wish it could be more ofter, but there is so many miles between us.
We got to Sue and Davids about 11:30 or 12:00' I was so tired and slept like a log. I told Sue I just wanted to relax in the pool and hot tub. That is exactly what I did. The weather was beautiful our whole trip. The pool was a little cool but I could get in and exercise. I enjoyed the SUN the most. We always had a big breakfast and Dinner. Sue is so hospitable.
I am just layed back. She is always busy, she makes me tired just watching her. She is a wonderful meal preparer. I just let her do it, I didn't know what to do.
We did get her rose garden cleaned one day. All the old roses cut out and in a few days it was full of new blooms. I love her rose garden, but she needs a sitting place with a gazebo in it. That would be so relaxing. She don't need a top so the SUN can shine on you. California sun is so different than ours. I LOVE IT. Don't I Sue.
Nancy and Larry met us here on Saturday the 3rd. We headed for the redwoods on Sunday. That give Sue a few days of rest. More later
Saturday, July 4, 2009
We did run to Wal Mart this morning, made a sandwich for lunch,ate cantalope and bought a watermelon. Hope it is sweet. The cantalope was not very sweet, it looked ripe but had a green taste. I am still afraid to eat a lot of things.
We have no plans for the rest of the day, maybe go somewhere for fireworks. They are so pretty, but we will probably going to stay home, would love to make home-made Ice Cream, but for just two that would be a waste. I sure would be good.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The next day Jeanette and CW came up with the kids and we had a really good time, One evening we got together and ate watermelon. The kids had fun at the bridge catching frogs, tadpoles and craw fish. They also enjolyed swimming in that cold water.
God bless all
Our Mother had a hard life, when she was young, she had to work in the fields and help raise all the other kids. When she was in her middle age she was left with 8 kids of her own to raise. Her and Dad was married only 19 years when he passed with a heart attack. He was sick for 2 years before leaving. He was binding down a load of logs when he had his first heart attack and never recovsered. He passed 2 years later. It was a hard road for our mother but we never went without clothes or food or a roof over our heads. She could make food go farther than anyone I know. Always had extra at the table. Her sister and family would always drop in at meal time, there was always plenty.
Every morning we started off with home-made biscuits and gravy. I can still taste her gravy, it was the best I have ever eaten. We always had dried beans, fried potatoes and home-made bread along with home grown vegestables. We always made our own jelly or had Rex jelly, which was only about 25 cents for a half gallon. I wish I could find some that taste like it did then. There is a replica, but not the same taste.
My mother was known the world over for her fried potatoes. When she passed all the grandkids wrote a paper telling what their grandmother ment to them. Nearly all wrote about her fried potatoes. The preacher that was reading them made the remark," I am getting hungry for some just reading these papers, they must have been really special ". Well let me tell you they were. I will publish some of those letters maybe all of them. They are so special to read. She was a special person to everyone and always thought of everyone else before herself. ONE OF A KIND MOTHER. OUR MOTHER WAS A WAY MAKER.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Today we are finish packing the trailer. Still got a few things to buy here in town. We will be leaving the first thing in the morning.
Last night I made apple butter to take with us. My sister from california come up with the idea of using applesaucse to make it . It worked great. I also have enough to share a jar with each of my kids. I always like homemade jelly or something like that, when we go camping. I forgot how long it took so I did not go to bed until after 11. I am up early and trying to get things done.
I am cooking taco meat for taco's or taco salad. It is easier to cook at home. I also make cookies, zuchini bread already made. Not planning on cooking a whole lot. Just grilling. We cook outside, not in trailer. The trailer,being such close quarters, holds the odors.
We will be driving back Saturday morning to go with Nancy and Larry to the Purple Hull Pea festival. It sounds like fun. They actually have a purple hull pea cook-off. They are going to have rotary tiller races, can you imagine. That will be a site to see I'm sure. Really looking forward to it.
We will be driving back to Hot Springs saturday night.
At rest for a few days.
Monday, June 22, 2009
I have spent 2 days in the bed and feel like crap today. I need a check-up but hate to go in to the Dr. I'm sure my thyroid is out of kilter again.
I have had another bladder infection and my colon is acting up again. I have diverticulum and they act up a lot.
We plan on going camping Wed. or Thur. I hate to miss church so it will probably be thursday morning. Jeanette and C.W. will be there friday. We camped together last year, Roy and Faye came up, Harold and Mae and we had a cook-out. We really have a good time camping. The water is nice at Charlton too.
So if is Hot who cares, just go get in the freezing water for a little while and be cool the rest of the day.
Last week was 4-H here in sheridan and the kids went every day to crafts, water fights and classed. It was from 9 to 4, They had an enjoyable time. They also had competition day, it was Monday and Kiefer won 5th place in casting. It was about 25 in the competition. They wanted Maranda to model but she got burned her first modeling, so she would not do it. They gave real nice trophies. There was probably 200 4-H kids there.
Pam took the girls to the pool,as she does nearly every day. I am so glad she is better and back to her self. She has still got lots of problems, but is handling them better.
Larry is doing great, a little too great I think,
It must be real nice to have a pool, if I had one I would probably never get anything done except playing in the water.
But I don't and probably never will. There is a lot of up-keep on one, but worth it in the summer.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
VACATION with my sister and Coys brother
We had just passing moments of sisterhood , so many miles between us. We need to be able to go to the park, walk around or just sit and talk, just enjoy one another. Here we are in our old age,all sick and can't even help ourselves let alone each other. We did that when we was in California in november. We had a wonderful day, sitting by the waterfall in the sculpture park. Had a wonderful lunch and just enjoyed each others company.
I have to tell you about our trip to the Diamond mine, to dig for diamonds. It was fun, something I had always wanted to do but just never did. We played in the mud, literally. Here we are nearly in our 70's and David in his 70's and here we are going to play in mud. It was fun and an enjoyable day. So glad we did that. We had to dig up clots of clay mud and take them to a hugh vat of water and wash it through two sieves. Mash the mud. The water was so muddy itself, I don't know how we washed anything.
More later.
It was also good to visit with my brother Leonards, children (Wayne his wife Sandra and Wayne's daughter Melissa and baby. Loyd and his wife , Rochell and her daughter Madison, I had not seen her since she was a baby. We do not get to see them very ofter. Maybe we can visit and have get-to-gethers more often. Mike and Lisa was great to visit with. Mike is my oldest brother's boy(Edward). Mike even made a special trip back by our house, before he let for Texas to tell us how much he enjolyed visiting with us. It was a GREAT, GOOD AND FANTASTIC TIME.
Frances, Edward's daughter came over and visited with us one afternoon , I think it was after midnight before she left, which was great. Jeanette came over a couple of days to visit. We made applebutter one day, that was fun and bringing back and making memories for us. We always got in the kitchen and cannedd with our mother.We use to peal peaches until our fingers was sore. We always brought a wash tub and washed the peaches and then begin to peal. It was not a lot of fun then, but if only we could do that again. It was a lot of work. My mother was a worker and a wonderful caring person, always made sure we had wonderful meals and a clean place to sleep. Her house was always clean, unlike her sisters, which never kept house. Mother saved everyting. Sorry my sister Rosie could not be here, or any of her family, everyone ask about her. The boys sing and had a singing engagement. They knew about this well in advance and did not have to set that but they did and we missed them. It was so good to sing with my sisters and brother. Rosie and Jeanette was always the singers in the family. I use to sing a little.
I have got to get this posted
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Well Larry had surgery , they took him down at 6AM we thought it was going to be 7:30. You never know what they are going to do. It took a long time to prepare him for surgery, besides the are working with a skeleton crew. They told us that. It was about 8;30 or so before they begin. Nanacy called us aroung 6 so we begin to get ready, we left at 6:45 for the hospital.
It was a long day, but we got to visit with his 2 sisters and brother-in-law. He did great and was a very good parient. Nancy will give details later. He is doing great today and moved out into a room upstairs. They said he had done beyond expectation. He will possible be coming home tuesday, if he keeps improving.
That is what God can do. We called everyone we could think of to pray. THANKS
Larry is a wonderful guy and he really looks out after Nancy. Makes sure she is well taken care of. He tells Nancy to make sure we are taken care of.
Today is Maranda birthday, where did the 10 years go. It seems just yesterday we held her and she was so tiny. That day we had a tragedy and a MIRACLE in our lives. She weighed 3 lbs. 11 oz. She lost down to 3 lbs. Was sent to Children's Hospital for a blood transfusion. Her blood count kept dropping. That is the only thing she had done to her. No tubes of any kind.
She was our bundle of joy. She was in the hospital 10 days and done just marvelous. We could not take her out places because she was a premie, seven weeks early. Coy and I moved our trailer over to Tony's house and set it up. When someone else was staying to help out we slept in the trailer. We both worked in Pine Bluff so that was convenient, they lived in Pine Bluff. Kiefer was 2 years old. Those two kids are so dear to my heart, I had them almost 6 years . We have shared so many happy moments.
She is a "tomboy" someone told me tonight, I do not like that word but I guess that is what she is. I say she is real sporty. She loves all sports. Gymnastics first. then basketball, skate boarding is her favorite right now, tomorrow it may be something else. When she is over we take her to the skate park just down the road.
Today which is Monday we took her to the pool. Pam stayed with her a Briauna. She is with me nearly every weekend. Friday is her day, we usually pick her up at school. Summer, I don't know yet. They have five days of school left. Next monday will be a make-up day. Post pictures later.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
We packed us a pic-nic lunch and off we went, needed to be home doing things, but just needed to get away, so many things on my mind. It is hard to explain. I just needed to see something new, so we did. Weather was beautiful.
We have not done that in a long time. We ate lunch at Charlton by the water fall.
Today is friday and we have graduation tonight, Maranda's birthday is Sunday but we are going to surprise her with a cake at dinner tonight. We are going to meet at PF ''Chang's to eat dinner. Tony, Rochell, and their family, her mom and dad, Coy and I. They are having graduation at Little Rock, Steven's auditorium at UALR Campus. There is 274 kids graduates. Rochell oldest is graduating. He will be going to college at Monticello.
I got up early, went to do my aerobics at 7 am, got back washed my hair got it rolled, set outside to do that, it is a beautiful morning. Got Maranda's cake baked and decorated, just a real small one, 6 inch. No one will want cake when we finish eating.
It is a busy day, Harold came over we was visiting when I got a phone call from a long lost friend from the hospital where I worked. Her husband had died about 3 years before I left work and she had remarried, just before I left. She married her sweetheart from her school years. They moved to his farm down south. I lost track of her. She helped me so much when we lost Vanessa.
Harold kept saying who are you talking to so long and I told him a long lost friend.
He said hurry up I have got to go, so we finally got through talking and we visited some more. He left and we had to get ready to go to Little Rock.
We got a phone call from Nancy. Larry had gone to the Dr. this morning to get his blood pressure medicine refilled, he thought. Well they did a electrocardiograham and was told they was sending him to the hospital. They was up there when she called. They was running more test. Then she called back and said they was going to the cath lab with him. She kept us posted on how things was going as we was getting ready. As we was leaving she called and said he was out and the news was not good. He has 5 blockages, 99% in the main artery. What a shock. We ran to wal- mart picked up some cards for Maranda and Chris, went to Nancy' to get her some clothes. Could not get to Little Rock fast enough to hug my daughter and tell her everything is going to be all right, we was serving a higher power. They scheduled him for surgery at 7:30 in the morning. Post more later. NEED YOUR PRAYERS.
Monday, May 18, 2009
We was going to Roy's today or tomorrow but our van is not running right and neither is our truck. I have been trying to get Coy to take it to a dealer, but these men has their own idea, so he took it to B&B and it is still not fixed. Cost $200 and it is still not fixed. It has been doing this for over a month. It runs OK after you get going, so I think it is in the gas, but who am I, not a mechanic.
So Coy finally decided to take the van to the chevrolet place and they said it is the fuel pump, and that is 300 dollars. But if you have to have it to have a vehicle, you just do. Always something.
We did go to Roy's , it was a beautiful day, a little breezy, but that was OK. Faye and I sat on the boat while Roy and Coy fished. Them two are a pair and always have been, eversince Coy came into our lives. They have shared lots of good times and bad times.
Roy is not doing well with so much on his mind. JR cannot walk yet, so he is trying to get his trailer fixed with larger door opening in trailer, a ramp, getting his yard mowed and anything that needs to be done before he has his surgery. We will have to go help him. They have not set a date.
Got to go
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Well we got the carpet up today and dried out the flooor. I don't think we will put it back down until this rainy season is over. Coy got out and dug some ditches but I don't know if that would have even helped that night. We got 10 inches of rain in a few hours.
School closed, flooded and the buses could not do their routes, because of high water. We had Kiefer and Maranda so that was a pizza day, with no way to cook. I cooked breakfast in the camper.
I have got so much to do before I have company. I am not the house keeper my sister is and I am trying to make sure things are ready for them, but they are not coming to see my house, just be with family and enjoy good times, time is so short for all of us.
I need to get my summer furniture out but the rain and humidity just keeps coming. Wanted to get more painting done but too wet, can't paint when it is this kind of weather , but that is Arkansas.
We are praying for cool 70's and breezy for the reunion. It will be so good. Lots of work but worth it.
I have so many problems with my knees. The muscle behind my right one was swelled so bad I could not bend it today. I sticks out about 2 inches and I have suffered so much with it today.
Time for pain pill and bed time.
Church cleaning time tomorrow.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
I finally got the part for my oven, it sit there days so I decided to put it in myself, just to find out it was only a wire in one of the ends of the coil has burned into. So that saved some money. We got to return the coil. We also got the muicrowave oven taken down and the vent fan turned around. When we got it we was trying to go by directions so we turned it like directions said, but found out it was right and we should not have turned it. So we got that fixed also. It is bad to get old and need to do things like that. Coy's shoulders are so bad he cannot lift anymore, his arms will just go so high. But we made it.
I went yesterday to the Dr. and was hurting so bad, so I ask Dr. Bowen if he could scope my knee again, he informed me it would not do any good, I had advanced arthritis, and a total knee was the only thing that would fix that. I am not ready mentally for that yet, even though I know it is almost here. I have always had trouble with my knees. I use to use WD-40 on them. I use to make the remark they needed to be greased. I got my injections yesterday again. They feel better today. I have been taking a pain tablet ever once in a while just to be free of pain for a while. Every step is a chore. I finally got out and got my petunias set out and fixed my bird bath. I also got my daffodils set out we pulled up when we went-wheeler riding several weeks ago.I also got my stump set and sweet potato vine set in it. I am not a sitter but I have to get off my feet. I love working outside.
Roy my brother finally got the results of his BX. I told him to call that Dr. and find out what it was. It is cancer and he goes the 11th to meet with the Dr. Harold my other brother has not heard from his Dr. either to find out what route they are going to take for his lung cancer.
I get on the phone and call if I want results. Dr. these days are so neglent, mostly their nurses I think. Roy said he is not worried, but I told him that is something that has to be taken care of, do not let it go.
I made a big pot of Ron and Darlene's soup today it is so good. We love it with cornbread. I always freeze several bowls, so we will have some on hand, it is quick and easy to fix.
Someday I will get back to writing about California trip. We enjoyed it so much. My sister-inlaw is still hanging in there. I have got to call her again. I love to talk with her. We will be going back out there in a few months.
Well I guess I better go and get some sleep we have a trip planned with the elderly people in our church.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I talked to Rosette yesterday and she has been in the hospital for a week, bacteria in her blood and in her heart. He port had to be taken out because it was infected. That happen to Pam and it took her a year to get well, but of course she had other problems, that did not help her situation. Rosie was expection to go home in a few days.
Coy went up there today to help Roy build a porch and ramp on JR porch. It will have to be a long ramp, his trailer is so high off the ground. It will be good for them to be together, I would have went, but am still sick. My family is so important to me, I love them so much, when they hurt I hurt. Jeanette I am so sorry you have gone thru the things you have endured. We just have to keep looking to God for strength. He has it all, he knows all and has endured all for us.
We just have to trust in him. He is my life.
Looking forward to the reunion, even though it will be so much work, but I have a good helper.
Nancy and Coy. Hope to get letters out this week or first of next. I really do not know how many to plan for but we will have plenty.
Sue take care and get well soon.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Dr. Day
We left early, went to the hospital where Harold ( my brother) was having a lung BX. It went well, but he is not a good patient. VERY IMPATIENT and does not like Hospitals at all. I enjoyed talking to their preacher. He is from the full gospel campgrounds church Hwy. 167 south.
Roy and Harold had a BX this week and should get the results this week. Edward and Joann (his wife) was there with Harold. Roy had his in Conway.
I woke up at 3am yesterday morning sick another Bladder infection, I got up and started my antiobiotic. I am sure glad he gave them to me. This is the first one in several months. I guess I will go back on my bottled water. Last week I dranked quiet a bit of tea, I drank one coke (sometimes I just get thirsty for a coke, never been a coke drinker ) I also ate some strawberries Sunday, don't know if they have acid or not, I think they do, I guess I have not been drinking enough water lately. We painted all week last week when it was not raining and when it was we worked inside. I knew last weekend my bladder was not empting out. you can tell when you have had as many problems as I have.
I also had a Dr. appt to get some injections in my knees, no fun. These made me sick and thought I was going to pass out. Had to set in the room for a while. He told me my right knee would be needing a replacement before too long. I hope these shots work and I don't have to have one for a long time or never. God can fix that. I have to get them 3 weeks in a row. I go next tuesday and the next. Please pray, I have really suffered with my knees. I am an active person but sometimes I get lazy because of the pain. Haven't been sleeping well, they hurt so bad at night. I have too much to do and want to do, to be down.
It turned out to be a beautiful day, sprinkled rain this morning, but it cleared and a beautiful blue sky and sunshine.
My grandpaw graybeards are sure pretty this year and getting so big. My azealea bed is in full bloom. I plan on getting about 20 more and extending my bed on out, that means Coy will have to go to the mill and haul some more pine bark. My Iris in in full bloom and the Louisiana Iris by the driveway is blooming. They are so thick and need to be thinned. We have people stop us and want some all time. Have to spray my garden tomorrow with miracle grow. We will have a mess of turnip greens this week, maybe tomorrow, if I feel like cooking them. I am pretty sick and just want to lay around. Maybe tomorrow or the next day who knows.
Friday, April 17, 2009
There was 15 of us in all. Some ate on their patio and some ate inside. The next one will be at
Larry's pizza, a new resturant in town. It is where the Ice House restaurant use to be. I wonder how long this will be there. It has been everything. A steak house, home cooking, and other names also. Larry's pizza is a chain and has wonderful pizza, even dessert pizzas.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
We was having a get together with family so I made extra rolls and dressing. Well it rained so I froze it. I had also made a large sheet cake and froze it also. It was planned for the next Sunday but guess what it rained. We had it anyway and the sun came out, Our property does not hold water so when the sun came out we hid eggs and the kids hunted them.
The food I had froze was very good. We had cake, strawberries, dressing and rolls. Everyone enjoyed Buck said I have got to have some more of your dressing it is not ofter I get to eat some of your cooking. I told the kids to do that more often, it was a fun day and so enjoyable also. The kids are older and there is not as many messes to clean up as when they was small.
Shawn, James oldest son came by later and the took a bowl of dressing and a whole loaf of bread with him to eat. He works at the Sonic. I am going to miss them, they are moving back to Texarkana. James is already working back down there. Austin comes by 2 and 3 times a week.
We have purchased a WII . It has been so much fun especially the cow race. I told Rocky I wanted him to do the cow race with me, he said you actually play that, you and papaw too. I replied Yes of course, He said I can't believe that, I am just shocked. You mean you bought that just for you two. We played that cow race game, you catch a clown, jump hurdles and knock down things in the road. He said I am going to have to get me one of those. I stay on the grass and against the fence more than the path. It is so much fun and Coy and I have laughed playing different things on there, it has been good for us.
Sometime this week he is going to put me in a light in my kitchen and ceiling fan in the living room. He knows how to do electrical work. I am so glad, save some money.
Oh yea my oven element went out so we cooked in the trailer Sunday. Also my microwave went out too. I had bought a new one used it 2 days and it blew. It did not have the ground wire hooked up and this microwave is more powerful than the one I had. Coy put the box up and did not include the ground wire. I used the other one about 6 years like that but not this one. So Sears was called and order the part, it has not come in yet and it is supose to be fixed tomorrow but I guess it want get fixed then.
Sometimes I wish I knew the future for my life so many things can happen, I would just like to be prepared if that is possible. It is not in God's plan that we know.
Sometimes he lets us know what we should do or not do, but do we listen, NO we just keep going our way and don' listen to his voice. When this or that happens we remember we was warned.
God is so good to us. Brother Swiger has been preaching on How Beautiful Heaven Must Be. One can only Imagine. Just as I typed this that song came on my media player. I love to have music going when I an using the computer.
He has wrote so many songs and poems, they are so good and so true. I love to hear all his stories of his journey with the Lord. They was so good to mother . A lot of our family has set under their ministry.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I have got a large cake to do this weekend. It will be a three tier and each tear done a different way. The bottom will be musical notes, the middle will be black and white checked representing his tire store and the top will be camoflage. For the tires Coy and I got some of Kiefer old cars and took the wheels off, scrubed them , soaked in very hot water, cut in half and stacked them on top of the cake. It is for Stephen at B&B tire, he is the big 40, Staci has a big party planned for him but he does not know it is going to be so big. She has tried to notify everyone that knows him to come. If just his family shows up it will be a lot of people. They are also going to have a slide show.
Tony showed up some pictures of the set up and they went to Sam's and spent over $600 on food. Big Earl Stratton will be doing most of the meat. He is Sheridan top griller. He fixed roasted ears of corn for Timberfest, they are always a big hit.
Well it is the 14th and I have finished all the cakes and Tony picked them up. They turned out really well. Pictures later. I have Kiefer and Maranda also. They had to have someplace to stay this weekend so my house was it (That was OK with me) . It was not too bad doing the cakes and listening to them too. Maranda helped me with them and done a very good job. Good experience, maybe another cake decorator in the family. I am just about through with that, it is so stressful to do a big cake for someone else. I did not sleep well last night. Loss of sleep for nothing as usual. They nearly always turn out good. I have had only one cake to crack, that is pretty good considering all the cakes I have done over the years. It was a stacked cake like I was going to do this one. I got to thinking about that and decided to call Staci in the morning and make a suggestion that she make shelfs for each cake by putting plastic boxed at different levels, covering each of them with a black or black and white checked material and placing the cakes on them. Staci was at Wal-Mart when I called and that was a wonderful idea. Isn' that just like the Lord to work out things.
I got a call from someone and they said my cake was falling. I got so upset and thought the cake was actually falling, so I jumped in the car and rushed out to the country club, got stopped by a police for speeding, got a ticket, got out there and found one of the cakes had a small crack in it. I had brought my repair kit, icing, knife, and anything I thought I might need. I repaired the crack and put it to the back and it was fine. That has been my worst fear I would mess up someone special day. Thank the Lord that has not happen. I pray over every cake.
Needless to say I lost money on that cake. I never charge enough, nothing like the bakery's charge.
Looking at the 10 day forecast it is going to be in the 70 this week,so camping we go. We will pull our camper out after church and start packing. We got out packet to manage parks today.
Have got to go and try to get some sleep.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My grandson Bruce was 26 years old, My sister Sue was 62 years old and my nephews Raymond and Damon (twins of my sister Rosette) was 35 years old. I am not very good at remembering birthdays, I may think of them but doing anything I am not good at that. I am trying to do better this year as Nancy made me a calendar of everyone's birthday. There is still more to come thlis month.
Frances Alford ( my oldest brother Edward's girl )will be around 47 or 48 the 14th , I will find out. Rochell Joann( my brother Leonard's daughter) will be the 17 (no age on my calendar ) along with my grandson Austin ( my oldest son James's son) he will be 15'. Larry (Nancy's husband ) will be 55 on the 27th.
So you see there is lot to celebrate in March. I don't know If I have got all of them or not. Maybe when we have our family reunion we can get dates and ages of all.
I have got to go and may you have a BLESSED DAY.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Birthday wishes are in order for Bruce today, He is 26. I remember the day he was born, we was hoping he would be born on Rocky and Coy's birthday but he just couldn't wait. That is Nancy's youngest that makes her getting old also. So that makes me OLD also. I hope he had a wonderful day. I sent him a birthday wish with smileys. 4th of July and told him I knew it was not the 4th of July but a little fire works was in order.
I was afraid he would think I had lost my mind with thinking it was the 4th of July.
Sometimes I do Loose it but not that day. Things gets pretty hectic around here with everything breaking. Our Microwave door just decided to break, the door handle broke completely off, we taped it but it did not work. We glued it, it did not hold. So guess what I called about a replacement door, it cost $160 so I said forget that, so I ask about just the outside panel, it cost $70 . Well we went and bought a new one this week and they did not have one in stock, so it is on back order, is'nt that just my luck. It is still useable just hard to get open and breakes more when we grab it.
Have got to go write more later.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
We decided to go to My wonderful BROTHER's and SISTER (in law) I feel as though she is my sister. We had a wonderful time,as we always do. It is so quiet and relaxing. They always have out hotel room waiting for us.
We got up there friday afternoon, got ready and went to a gospel singing at 6: pm It was so good. You was in a Baptist church, but you did not know it, you felt like shouting, the most wonderful feeling you could ever have. There was a group there called Heaven's Echoes and the leader had lost their daughter 5 years ago. Her name was Judy, a very outgoing person. Her and her husband had wrote some songs about her and they sang them. She has been helping Roy with his grief. It takes someone who has been through it to help someone else. Their songs have helped them through the tough times. I talked with her a few minutes. It was such a glorious evening. We was so wired when we got home it was 2 AM before we went ot bed. You feel free and free from all cares of this life which can be consuming sometimes. It was so good to get away.
Saturday morning Coy and I got up early and got our coffee and went our on their back porch and watched the Ducks on the ponds,There was a big frost and it was snowing, big flakes and then a million little flakes begin to fall. It was beautiful. It did not last, it was overcast all day, rained a little, cold and windy all day. I made the remark that I hope it did not frost at home. My tulip tree was blooming when we left and my bradford pears also.
Saturday was Faye's birthday so we went out ot eat at a fish place in Conway. It was good eating. Ate too much as always, when it is buffet. Then we went back to the gospel singing, it begin at 5 PM it had already started when we got there. We only missed one group singing. I could have set there all night and listen to them. The MC was great and not Baptist at all. You felt like you were in a pentecostal meeting. They are having another singing in Magnolia in November we plan on going.
The Gaithers are in Little Rock this month and plan on going, got to get tickets today. Them boys of Rosie can get with it and down on it as Roy says. They can really sing.
After we got home Roy got his guitar out and sang. I love to hear him, He sang Hank Williams song I saw the light, and House of Gold (what good is gold and silver too if your heart's not good and true), and he also sung Build my Mansion next door to Jesus. I have always loved Hank Williams songs. I want to get our old record player out of the shed it is about 40 years old and all my old records and set them up in my living room. That would be so nice to be able to play them. I have The Browns, Rambos. Hank Williams, Johnny Cash and others, I don't remember. They are packed in a styrofoam box for protection.
This was the first song Tony learned, he use to stand and sing Build my mansion. He was only about 2 years old. I was surprised at the words he could remember and sing of that song. It made me feel good , but of course that is all he knew back them was church songs. When the grow up that changes. His whole family is in church now.
Well we got home Monday late and my tulip tree got the frost and the blooms are all brown. The pears look good, I don't think they are hurt. Spring is here, forcynthia are in b loom along with the others, trees are budding all around. I am ready for it, now we just need some warm days. It was 60 yesterday but was still cold all day.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Last night I woke up with this rash ,an itchy rash all over my body, I wish you could see it, I could take pictures but of course you can't look . I would like to claw it but that would not be good. The doctor thinks it is nerves and it could very well be. Had a lot of stress the last week.
I sprayed bactine, rubbed cortaid, used a medicated powder, had no benadryl, I thought I did and just could not find it. Needless to say I was miserable and still am. I have taken some medicine so the itch should get better soon. I am going to take another cold shower, maybe that will help some more. (IT IS SO BAD) The more I rub the worse it gets.
So sorry to hear about Mike's dad, terrible time ahead. God will give them strength, that they never knew they had. Our prayers is with them on their trip and their sorrow.
Sue and David are not doing well, David's knee and Sue's lip. Hope it gets better soon. That is so dangerous and Sue don't let it spread. Wash hands often. It can spread to other parts and I'm sure you know that.(just watching over my sister) OK
Monday, February 9, 2009
We had a wonderful service last night, we visited our former pastor church in NLR.
It was wonderful and so refreshing. I could feel the spirit of the Lord as soon as I walked in the door. They are wonderful people, good preacher,prayer warrior and can he ever sing. He is their choir leader and was ours when he was here. He plays the piano also.
He use to spend nearly the whole day praying, you could go down there during the day and he would be speaking in tongues and praying. God healed him of lymphoma when he was dying, so he is a miracle and knows it. God uses him in wonderful ways. We are priviledged people to have had him for a pastor. It makes you grow in strength and encouragement. We plan on going back over there this week, got to be fed.
It is raining here today and supose to rain for the next 3 or 4 days, possible severe weather tomorrow night. Coy got the garden broke up this morning and some more leaves raked. It will be spring here very soon. I noticed the trees are budding already. Can't hardly wait. I quilted all morning and got another top finished. My quilting lady called and said she had my 4 quilts finished so I will probably go pick them up tomorrow. I will be carrying 2 of Nancys and 1 of mine down there,I think.
I have started a string quilt with my scraps. I have never done that before so it will be a challenge. Quilting Lady gave me the idea. She had one started, some straight and some at an angle. I think it will be so neat. She also had some solid blocks of different colors and patterns in it. This is the first time I have quilted on machine, my it is so fast. I never dreamed it would be so fast, it took me months to do one by hand, but it is fun to hand quilt. I don't know if I will ever do that again except Maranda's picture quilt.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Today it is dreary,cold,icy, and windy. It will be freezing on the roads,trees and everything before the night falls,so another stay home from prayer meeting.Well I guess we are in for a spell of really bad weather. I guess Sherri will get it also.
Coy went and cut another small load of wood,that I tried to get him to cut this summer when all the trees was down from the tornados. He likes to cut in the winter time best. (I guess) that is when he always waits for .
I had a lot of errands to run and go to the store to pick up a few items, I want ot make those cranberry bliss bars of Sherri's. I hope they turn out as good as her's looks. She is a wonderful baker and so are you Sue. I do not like to cook anymore,I have to make myself. I still like to bake and decorate cakes but for the rest NO.

Today was soup and cornbread day. It was good. We ate pizza and salad yesterday. I do not enjoy it much anymore, salads I love. I have not been eating many sweets lately, my sweets consist of peaches and cottage cheese, in which I love.
Nancy called and said she had her log cabin quilt finished, anxious to see it.
I am glad she is getting into quilting, it is such an accomplishment to finish a quilt. A rewarding feeling to know you put something together for a member of your family.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Well I am ready for spring time. It is so cold here today. It has been in the freezer all day.
We got our yard cleaned friday while it was warm, but of course I got a sinus drainage from it. I had to take tylenol sinus last night before I could sleep. I finally went to sleep about 2 am this morning.
I got Kiefer's pillow finished today. I will not stuff it until I get ready to give it to him.
It has been a good day for sewing but I have not felt like it. I begin putting my 9 patch together last night and probably would have got it together if I had felt like it. I got up with a sick headache and it went away for a while but is creeping back upon me.
Going to bed soon.
Last night when I was sewing I kept hearing a funny sound coming from my sewing machine and I noticed the bobbin winder had got to close to my thread on the bobbins I had stacked on the extra thread holder and had wound up on bobbin holder, it had almost emtied 2 bobbins, I had filled. Crazy thing to have happen. I wasted a lot of thread, oh well that is the way it goes when you have projects going. I buy those cones of thread, they last forever.
Maranda has been over today but she likes to play games on the computer and she occupies herself. I was hoping it would be warm so she could go to the skateboard park, it has been a while since she got to go down there.
Coy goes back to his skin Dr. tuesday so I am going back to Joann fabrics to buy some more fabric, especially muslin. They always have 40% off on something at least 1 item. After christmas I got some things to re-do cemetary wreaths for 90% off. They cost almost nothing, in comparison to the regular price. I love those 90% off sales.
I have already bought the girls christmas for next year, 70% markdown and an extra 40% off that. Great deals.
Maybe a better day tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
As I listened to his speech, The most important speech he will ever make and in front of the most people he will ever face. When Aretha Franklin begin to sing ( AMERICA) They called her the Queen of Soul. Wonder what was on his mind as he closed his eyes, I know he was in deep thought by the expression on his face. He had to be thinking this is awsome, this today making History for my people. He has the greatest challenge of any president to ever take office. My prayers go out to him and his family. I like the idea of a young family being in the white house and Michell said the girls would still be responsible for making their own bed and picking up, they do it now why quit. I think that is great.
The economy, The War in Iraq. and many other obsticles that is in our free America.
I am proud to be american, where at least I know I am free. It is so sad the things the black race had to endure back when I was a teen and about to enter my life as an adult. I remember so well, Central High in Little Rock, Coy was in National Guard and had to go stand guard. Every day there was incidents and I prayed a lot for his safety.
As I watched the first dance and heard Beianca sing, I wonder what Obama was thinking. He had to be overwhelmed with the idea he was going to live in the whitehouse. The first african-american ever to have a office like that, to be commander in chief. Something People of his race had dreamed of and We never thought would take place in our lifetime.
I was overwhelmed at the people in attendance. It was the longest parade ever at an Inaugral celebration. So we made history in lots of areas.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
When our lives are feeling as dry and disconnected as Ezekiel's bones, the Lord our God stands ready and waiting to gather the pieces and breathe into our dryness the breath of the incredible new life.
As we center our hearts on Him, He begins to give us eyes to see the beauty in others, the blessing hidden in the small disjointed moment and the ability to stop and focus on each.
He longs to assemble the parts and pieces of who we are into lives of wholeness and continuity that only He can create.
Friday, January 16, 2009
I just realized that I had not finished this almost a week has gone by.
I hate that stress test and the way it makes me feel. It took almost 5 hours.
I was so hungry by the time I got out of there. The nurses was so great and very informative as they did each step.
This time I set up and my head did not feel like it was going to explode. So from now on I will be sitting up.
We had to be back in town by 6 o'clock, We was plalying dominoes, couldn't miss that. It is so relaxing. We have lots of laughs. The men are so funny, clumsy,slow and can't think, always trying to play out of turn.
Well enough of that.