Sunday, January 31, 2010


I loved it when we would go and visit when they was making sorghum syrup. Chewing on the sorghum canes was so good. It was very interesting to watch the old mules go round and round to grind the canes. That is when they lived by a creek and we got to go swimming a lot, it had a rope swing. I remember the milk cow they had there, she was so gentle, Joyce and I milked, that was my first experience at milking a cow. It was kinda fun. You had to make sure your hands was not cold If they was you would probably get kicked. We always had to carry a bucket of warm water to wash her bag before we milked.
They had fields all around them that they planted every year, they planted corn, sorghum, peas and a regular garden for vegestables. They always had plenty of potatoes, we was there during potato digging time usually and came home with some. All the kids had to pick them up. They was dug with mules and turning plow. They stored them usually under the house for keeping.

When we would leave we traveled through an open field that was their road out.
We did not live in Sheridan at that time. I believe we lived in Fordyce.They moved from there to an open place, their house set on a hill. They had a large silo in the back of their house. It held food for the animals for the winter.
One year one of the boys, Hugh, Junior or Richard got tired of planting corn and burried the rest in a hold, well when it came up guess what, someone was in deep trouble. Corn in a pile and skips in rows. Some rows no corn at all.
I remember they had an old victrola, we played records, in the summer we would move it to the porch and turn it up as loud as it would go. The boys in the fields liked that.

Last year we took a trip down to Sparkman with Edward, my older brother. It was a good day, the house they lived in still stands. We walked up to it, had to climb a fence to get to it. We looked inside, through the window. I remembered Grandma and Grandpa bed in the corner. He had a string from the light in the ceiling to his bed, to turn the light on and off. That is the way he always fixed the lights. That way he was in the bed and didn't have to stumble around in the dark to find the bed. No such things as switches then. No such things as night lights ourside either. The fireplace was still standing. I had a lot of remenising that day.

We visited the Garner place, the Stafford place, went by Harvey's place and walked around. The barn, the smoke house where they cured their meat. We set on the porch and just went back in time. Harvey is my Grandpa's brother. Grandma Ella lived there until she died. Harvey and Grandpa mother. Sweet Lady. Have to write about her someday. Lots of memories.
The last time we visited Uncle Harvey, Coy and I took Brother Sharp and Mother down there, Boy did we hear some tales that day. House was cold all around except by the fire place, that is where we set the whold 3 or 4 hours. J.D. wife was there. J.D. is Harveys son. He had died and his wife was taking care of Harvey. He did not live long after that.
I know I have rambled a lot but when you get to thinking, all kinds of things comes to your mind.
You have to write it then or you forget your thoughts.
Good night for now and GOD BLESS


Dear God:

Please untie the knots

that are in my mind,

my heart and my life,

Remove the have nots,

the can nots and the do nots

that I have in my mind.

Erase the will nots

may nots,

might nots that may find

a home in my heart

Release me from the

could nots, would nots

,and should nots

that obstruct my life.

And most of all Dear God

I ask that you remove from

my mind, my heart and my life

all of the can nots that I have

allowed to hold me back

especially the thought that

I am not good enough.



A man was taking it easy, lying on the grass
and looking up at the clouds.
He was identifying shapes when he decided to talk to God,
"God," he said. "how long is a million years?"
God answered,"In my frame of reference, it's about a minute."
The man asked, "God, how much is a million dollars?"
God answered, "To me, it's a penny."
The man then asked,"God, can't I have a penny?"
God answered, "In a minute.
A Husband, proving to his wife that women talk more than men,
showed her a study which indicated that men use on the
average only 15,000 words a day, whereas women
use 30,000 words a day.
She thought about this for a while and then told her husband
that women use twice as many words as men because
they have to repeat everything they say.
Looking stunned, He said,"WHAT?"

Saturday, January 30, 2010


A little girl was sitting in her Grandfather's lap , as he read her a good night story. From time to time she would take her eyes off the book and reach up and touch his wrinkled cheek. By and by she was alternately stroking her own cheek and then his again.Finally she spoke "Granddaddy,"

did God make you?" "Yes, Sweetheart, "he answered; God made me a long time ago." "Oh she said. "Then Granddaddy did God make me too?" "Yes indeed, Honey," he answered her. "God made you, just a little while ago." "Oh," she said, Feeling their respective faces again, she observed. "God's getting better at it now, isn't He?"

As I read this story I thought of my Grand pa, My mothers dad. As long as I remember he always looked old. He seem to never change. When I was just a little girl, his face was always wrinkled, he was very skinny, always walked slumped over and had gray hair. His hair was very curley and hung down in his face. When he went to the table, grandma would always have his teeth under his plate and his plate turned over on them. He picked up his plate, put his teeth in and begin filling his plate. After he finished he would take them out and put them under his plate and grandma would clean them for him. He never wore his teeth other than for eating. Is that not strang. I didn't know they even made false teeth back then. I wonder why he had no teeth, and how he afforded to buy some.

After we finished eating he would ask us if we wanted a grow pill, he would pinch off a piece of bread and roll it up in a ball and give it to us. I don't remember if we ate it or laid it down. Probably laid it down, my grandpa was not a clean person. The only thing he ever got washed was his feet and the kids washed them every night. He fell in the river once in a while and got wet, he was a great fisherman and fished the Quacita river at Sparkman. I loved him just the same, he was funny in some of the things he would do sometimes. I did not like the way he treated grandma. he made fun of her cooking every meal, but really she could not cook very well and definitely was not a house keeper. Mother made sure the floors was clean and the kitchen when we would visit. We was there at least once a month, always at christmas. Mom and Dad would haul our gifts down there, and they lived on dirt roads a way back in the woods. We always got stuck when we went.

They always had a radio on, that was before TV. Every night they would all gather around and listen to Mat Dillon, Perry Mason, and others that I can't think of now, that would be the highlight of their day. They all worked in the fields and fished that was their life.
On saturday we would hitch up the buck-board or wagon and go into town, shop and see a movie. it cost cents. That was a lot of money them days.
I have been thinking about them days lately, and when I read that poem, I thought of Grandpa and all his wrinkles.
Will write more about him tomorrow. There is so many memories. They just keep coming but I have a cake to decorate. Kelsey is 4 tomorrow, my youngest great grand daughter.

Friday, January 29, 2010


This is the time I really need to be quilting, but can't. The adjuster will be here monday, so then I can set my sewing back up in another room of course and get busy. It is very cold and I definitely will be inside. I need to be quilting, quilting, quilting. So glad Sue got us all started at that. THANKS
I got really tickled listening to her talking about her gophers and her radiation. I wonder what she will really do, will she go breath in their hole and give them some of her radiation. I hope it don't make them giants or deformed, but would be nice it would make them sterile, I told her. We had some really good laughs talking about what it would do. She will probably find out knowing her, always curious. HA

I am still not well, my lungs are so bad. That is why I am up at this time of morning, could not breath, so I got up. Jeanette is bad too, I feel so sorry for her and wish I could help. My doctor is still out and I cant find one that I can see for one reason or another. Jeanette's doctor office told me they didn't take patients over 55. I need to have a lot of things checked. I have something wrong and can't get help. Oh well that is OK. My body just went down hill when I got so depressed. Didn't eat a thing for 3 days, just drinked, didn't loose any weight, nothing , that is what thyroid problems will do for you. You can eat nothing and gain 10 lbs. LOL I am still not eating well, some days food does not appeal to me.

I rally don't feel like cooking or doing anything, but now I have this " little bitty fire" and the insurance is coming in cleaning everything in these 2 rooms, pack up everything, replace carpet and disarray everything and my life also, more than it already is. I hate it but I will have clean rooms from top to bottom. This young guy came out yesterday with his little chemical sponge and rubbed it all over the walls, door facings, top of furniture and said "you sure don't have very much dust, just black stuff from the fire. I thought you must not know what dust is. I know there is a lot of dust. I cleaned all glassware in Nov. before the holidays but we have used the fire place here lately with all the cold weather and it creates a lot of dust. Oh well at least he thought I had a clean, neat house. He told us about some houses he has gone into to clean and test. Some really run down and dirty.

They told me to buy new blinds, these would be discarded, cost less than try to clean. So now I have to go shopping, in which I hate. Odd size so I will have to purchase custom blinds. I like the wood ones, easier to keep clean. I get to buy a new lamp shade, maybe I will buy a new lamp instead, one of those tall skinny new ones. Go back in style. HA HA The shade for this lamp will cost more than a new lamp.
Enough rambling, I guess I will try to go and get some more sleep.

God Bless All

Thursday, January 28, 2010


This reminds me of Coy and I. He can hear sometimes and sometimes he cannot hear at all

An old man was wondering if his ife had a hearing problem.

So one night, he stood behind her while she was sitting in her lounge chair.

He spoke softly to her, "Honey, can you hear me ?"

There was no response.

He moved a little closer and said again, "Honey, can you hear me?"

Still, there was no response.

Finally he moved right behind her and said, "Honey, can you hear me?".

She replied, "For the third time Yes!".

Love all and God Bless

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I refuse to be discouraged, To be sad, or to cry.
I refuse to be downhearted, and here's the reason why
I have a God who's mighty, Who's sovereign and supreme.
I have a God who loves me. and I am on His team.
He is all wise and powerful, Jesus is His name;
Through everything is changeable, My God remains the same
My God knows all that's happening: Beginning to the end.
His presence is my comfort.
When sickness comes to weaken me, To bring my head down low,
I call upon my mighty God; Into His arms I go
When circumstances threaten to rob me from my peace;
He draws me close unto His breast, Where all my strivings cease.
And when my heart melts within me, And weakness takes control;
He gathers me into his arms, He soothes my heart and soul.
The great "I AM' is with me,
The " Son of the Lord" is my hope. It's in His strength I stand
I refuse to be defeated , My eyes are on my God;
He has promised to be with me, as through this life I trod.
I'm looking past all my circumstances, To Heavens throne above
My prayers have reached the heart of God,
I'm resting in His Love. I give God thanks in everything.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Last wednesday we had gone to the church to put up a monitor for the song show plus. When we returned we seen our house was full of smoke. I was frantic and we searched every where, in the attic, outside, under the house, under everything and finally found it . It was beside my sewing maching. I kept telling Coy I was sure it was in the front room somewhere. There was more smoke in there than in the other room. It just kept smoking. An electrical cord had complete melted, melted electric plugs of my sewing machines and also melted the carpet.
There was all those little squiggly black things all over my quilt blocks, quilts and some I had laid out to put together. My sewing machines has black all over them, I have to leave it like that until they come out to see. I told them I had cleaned some of the quilts and blocks so the black would not just sit on it. I had most of my quilting in plastic totes, thank goodness or it would have been a bigger mess. It was aweful.
And besides that I went in and filled my lungs full of smoke after having pneumonia, so that did not help any. who would have thought to put a mask on, not me. By that night I was congested again.


Never seen so much material, wonder if they will sell it all. They was cutting as fast as they could and had a humongues amount in stacks to refile, had a large buggy piled high of material they had already cut for the day and that was about 10:30 in the morning. When we got there the cutters was standing around, but quickly was so busy and there was lines at every table.

It was a wonderful drive up with 4 lane highways, not 2 lane gravel like back in the 50's and 60's. We was so excited to get to go and see what all the fuss was about, well we found out.

When we left there with our arm full, well Nancy was, she grabbed it all up, I had one little sack. we went to Colton's steak house to eat. We must have set there an hour or more just enjoying our lunch and yacking.

We tried to get Pam to go with us, but she still had the stomach virus, I told her no we did not want that. Jeanette was going to go but was so sick, she did not need to.

Oh well they missed out. Maybe next time we can all make a day of it. I sure hope so.
I know we would have a wonderful time.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Nancy and I had a wonderful day yesterday I was glad the boys did not work. We went shopping at Kohls, Pennys, Dollar tree but we forgot to stop at Lewis Lumber for her to pick up something the boys was going to need. We was talking and just enjoying our time together. We finished our evening with dinner.
I had to get Coy some more Jeans, that is all he likes to wear and I told him these was his church jeans, not for everyday. I also got him some V-neck undershirts so they will not show under his shirts. I got him one pair of kacki dockers. I also got him some pajamas, can you believe that, he has never wore pajamas until this year. I got him a pair of mine and he has been wearing them. These fits much better even though mine had a draw string. He has no hips and no cheeks so it is hard to find jeans and pants that do not sag in the seat. He has lost down to 150 lbs. I have not eat much lately and if I don't eat He don't eat. It is almost 10 and we have not even eat breakfast . We slept to 7:30, I could not believe it. We never sleep that late. I guess we needed it.

I have already made a birthday cake for Rochell. What we want do for our kids no matter what.

Have got a lot to do today sure glad I am feeling better not so congested and my cough is lot better. Have lost my appetite and feel sick, I think it is my medicine, the augmentin maybe.

Have got to meet the computer technician down at the church this afternoon and fix a flower arrangement down there also. I need to put some more songs on the computer for showing.

Some I can transfer from our website we have purchased a copyright from. If you need words for a song I can probably get them and some I have to type in word for word. This has been my sanity and helped me a whole lot just to be at the church and know I have done something useful and learned to do something new in my old age. It makes you feel good to accompolish something new, especially when you are old and think your brain don't work like it use to. We have to work hard to keep it working. We have to exercise to keep our bones working or they will get stiff and not work. That is how I describe Old age. Nothing will work if you don't keep using it, some days it is hard and you just want to sit.
Have got to go GOD BLESS ALL

Wednesday, January 13, 2010



This is going to be for Nancy, eventhough I don't have the memory she has. This may take a few days to write.

I got pregnant with her when we lived in California. The beginning of our life together. We was so much in love then. It didn't matter where we lived we was so happy. Even being so far from my family for the first time. I had

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I have been so sick this week, I have bronchitis and an asthma attack. I have coughed until my ribs feel like they are broke. Saturday I had Coy to go get a codine cough syrup, you can buy over the counter if you sign for it. It has helped tremendously. Quieted the cough somewhat.

Saturday all I did was lay around and sleep.I tried to drink a lot .

Curch service all week-end was on the scripture I John 4:4, not knowing what I had prayed all week. It was a comformation that that visit was meant to be. We had a visiting preacher and he spoke on that scripture also. He also said he felt someone was there that had been depressed. So I went up for prayer, as did about 10 others. He came and spoke in my ear, God told him to tell me the answer is on the way. MY ANSWER IS ON THE WAY. It is already in the making.

Went and had my CT scan today. Had to drink 32 oz. of liquid, was not too bad. wait 45 minutes and then had the scan. Results tomorrow maybe. I also had an IV of dye, it made me feel hot in some places. It really gave me the hot seat for sure. I could not eat or drink after midnight, but I did not eat anything after noon yesterday. So I was really hungry, as always. well not really any more. some days I don't eat just drink.

Well today was Nancy's birthday, yea she turned 50 can you believe that. Where did the years go.. We went and seen her office, they really went all out to decorate it in black, cake and all decorations. It was so neat, she works in a great place. Everyone cares about everyone else and looks out for them. There is not many places like that in this world anymore.

Got results of CT scan today. I found out I had pneumonia. Dr. Hardin told me to see my doctor, called for appointment and found out she is out for several weeks. Could not get to see anyone here in sheridan. Do not want to go to ER and set all day. Well I am so much better so maybe I don't need to see a doctor. They said my CT scan showed I had it in the lower right lobe. All other is OK. No cancer anywhere in lower abdomen. Thank the Lord.

Friday morning I finally got an appt. here so I guess I will go today. Still got a bad cough. Yes I do have some pneumonia in my lungs, gave a perscription of augmentin. That should take care of it. Hope I will be well someday.

God Bless All


Friday, January 8, 2010


I was having a bad day and some friends invited us over to play dominoes, we almost didn't go but decided to. I thought it would make me feel better and it did we had a wonderful time. But we begin to talk about our children and the subject came up about Tony and Rochell. I begin to tell them things and got real upset and we ended up having a prayer meeting. One lady told me to stand on that scripture " He who is in you is greater than He who is in the world." I John 4:4Every time I begin to think about that situation I quote that scripture and I have been so much better this week.

I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends that are prayer warriors. That will stand beside you no matter what. They told me never try to carry this burden by myself. Call them for prayer. I will.

Also one of the guys sang a song to me. Here is the words. They are beautiful to me.


Sometimes I wonder when things go so wrong.
Has God forsaken me, Left me alone
And then I remember, through trials of destress
He's always with me, and I'm most richly blessed

I ask for strength, that I might achive.
I was given weakness, that I might learn humbly to obey.
I ask for health, that I might do great things.
It was given infirmity, that I might do better things.

I ask for riches, that I might he happy
I was given poverty, that I might be wise.
I ask for power, that I might have the praises of men.
I was made weak, that I might feel my need of God.

I ask for all things, that I might enjoy life.
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I ask for, but everything that I hope for.
And almost despite myself, I among men, am most richly blessed.

Bro. George added this verse:

Now I don't wonder, when things go so wrong.
If God has forsaken me, and left me alone.
For I remember, through trials of destress.
That the Lord is always with me, and I'm most richly blessed.

Here is a song we sang in church but it has come to mean more to me now than ever before.
When I sing in church I sing to me, I always make it personal.


1Greater is He that is in me
Greater is He that is in me
Greater is He that is in me
Than he that is in the world
Verse 1

Satan's like a roaring lionRoaming to and fro
Seeking whom he may devour
The Bible tells me so
Many souls have been his prey

To fall in some weak hour
But God has promised us today
His overcoming pow'r
Verse 2

On the day of Pentecost
A rushing mighty wind
Blew into the upper room
And baptized all of them
With a power greaterThan any earthly foe
And I'm so glad I've got it too
I'll let the whole world know



January 9,2010



May the Lord open up The windows of heaven And pour you a blessing That you will not have room Enough to receive it all.

May the Lord bless You exceedingly and abundantly, Above all you could ever hope for.

May the Lord bless you That you may walk in a Financial overflow.

May you fall in love with Him For the rest of your days In the Name of Jesus . Amen!!!


1. WAKE UP Decide to have a good day. "Today is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" Psalms 118:24

2. DRESS UP !! The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance; but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7

3 . SHUT UP!! Say nice things and learn to listen. God gave us two ears and one mouth, so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking. "He who guards his lips guards his soul." Proverbs 13:3

4. STAND UP!!..... For what you believe in. Stand for something or you will fall for anything.. "Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as w e have opportunity, let us do good..." Galations 6:9-10

5. LOOK UP!!... To the Lord. "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

6. REACH UP!!... For something higher. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, And He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6

7. LIFT UP!!... Your Prayers.. "Do not worry about anything; Instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING." Philippians 4:6

Send this to the people you care about. I thought this was mighty special, just like you. Pass this on and brighten someone's day, and remember: GOD LOVES YOU AND ME



Grannie made such beautiful pies! One day I ask her" How do you get such beautiful pies with the crimp around the edge so even?
"It's a family secret." she said. "So promise not to tell.
I roll out the dough, Then cut a bottom layer and carefully put it in the pie plate.
Then I slowly pour the filling, making sure it's not too full. Next I cut a top layer and put it over the filling.
Finally I take out my teeth and just run them around the edge of the pie crust and they make the nicest even Impressions you ever did see.


I thought you all would enjoy this. LOL

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


The last two days I have done without food, which is very hard for me to do. I get the shakes and very weak. I can hardly go. I dranked a lot of broth, chicken and beef. but that did not curb my appetite. I drank lots of water and had to take 36 pills, 4 at a time every 15 minutes. This started at 8:15 am for 5 doses and then at 4:00pm for 4 doses . I had to be at Dr. Hardin at 8:15 Wed morning. I waited with anticipation LOL I dreaded the whole thing. I hate having that done but it has to be. I have so many problens with my colon. Constipation one day and the next diarrhea. I was afraid they was going to notice I was so congested, but they didn't. I was afraid they would not do the test if they knew I was sick. So I spoke very little and very softly. I know there is a danger in getting pneumonia, being put to sleep sick but that was a chance I took since I had set on the pot for 2 days. LOL I did not want to go thru that again. I think I have blowed my nose 50 times today. I sure is sore.
I go Monday for a CT scan.

Coy went back to his ear DR. and did not get a good report, good thing Nancy went with him, I couldn't. His hearing is better but his understanding is not good at all, I already knew there was something different going on. It is very hard living with someone who cannot hear or understand anything you say. They think you say things you did not say and then you have to explain it all over again. I hate to tell him something, just talking, and have him repeat it to someone else. It never comes out like I told him. Sometimes it is embarressing.
I seems like lately we spend a lot of time in Dr. offices. Getting old does that too you .HA

I am going to bed shortly, I am so tired today and feel like crap.
I see the temp is droping but the house is so warm and cozy with the fire going. We have some oil heaters and they keep our house warm. Our furnace has been turned on once this whole winter, sure saves on the gas bill. These heaters are electric and only run our bill up 25 dollars and we have no heating gas bill at all. Our furnace is gas. Our temp tonight is supose to get to 7 degrees, COLD. TOO COLD.


Saturday, January 2, 2010


My family means so much to me. I love fixing for them . I told Joann I love doing this for them. Joann said her and Edward would like to do this , maybe next year. They seem so happy together. I just wish everyone could be here just once. It seems someone is missing every year. I miss them when they are not here.I am trying to hold the family together. I plan on the family getting together this summer. Just our immediate family not like last year. That was a lot of work and stress. We sure had a good time today just sitting an talking. Jeanette is so much fun to be with. Her and CW is so comical. They are a perfect pair. Several of them called and told me they sure did appreciat me doing that. I love cooking for a crowd just not for just two. It is hard, I have always cooked for a bunch. I have a hard time cutting down our portions for 2 and we eat on it for several days or I freeze it and eat later.

Have got to go God Bless All.